Sep 15, 2013 18:15
Cow, chocolate bar
Cow, milkshake, milk bottle, George and Harriet paintings, Sailing Painting by A. Ship, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Desk zeussims
Fantastic Fringe Curtains, A Bust of Some Famous Guy, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Dresser, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Coffee Table, Fantastic Fringe Chair, Rustic Kerosene Wall Lamp, Kerosene Flower Lamp, Country Candelabra, Fantastic Fringe Loveseat, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Fireplace, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To End Table, Milkin' It Dairy Corral the ninth wave
They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Fireplace
Fantastic Fringe Chair, They Don't Build 'em Like They Used To Desk Clothing:
Shawl and Apron Plain Combo
Converted by: rented-space
Ages: T-E
Clothing not converted:
Button Bandit
Shawl and Apron Flower Combo
Childrens Pioneer Dress
Snappy Suspenders
-deco: wall-hangings,
-deco: clutter,
!complete - objects,
-deco: curtains,
-deco: miscellaneous,
---store sets,
-deco: statues,
the ninth wave,
-misc: pets,
!incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes,
!complete (almost),