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Mar 24, 2009 19:45

So it's finally hit me that another year has gone by. It is rather funny that I didn't have this feeling before, like say, at New Years? Suddenly, the future is now and everything I have worked for in high school is coming to fruition. That is probably the weirdest part. In a way, I am so glad that high school is over. Good riddance and all that, but at the same time, I'm terrified for university. Sure I've been excited for it for a really long time and sure it will be a new situation that I can learn from, but really...I'm afraid of what life has to throw at me. Being away from home, on my own, doing my own studies, working on my degree. That's horrifying.

And all this talk about the "shift" that we apparently all face in first year...and beyond that? Oh my God. I don't know how I feel about any of this. It's so scary to think that I won't do anything my life. What if I choose the wrong institution? What if I go to the wrong people for help? How am I going to survive any of this? It's times like these that make me want to go back to infancy and have everything spoon-fed to me. I don't understand life anymore...this year has been so stressful and so dramatic. Life has been changing so quickly that I barely have time to catch up. One second it's September, the next, it's prom.

...Where has my year gone? 
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