I got really bored at work the other day since cases were loading slowly and members were taking long to suspend, so I had a bit of waiting time on my hands. Me and my friend were talking about old school games on MSN during this time and we remembered some really low-key games that we really liked (specifically, Super Adventure Island 2 for SNES). So I decided to make a top 3 list (in no order) for games that have made an impact on me (meaning not necessarily the best games I've played) for a a bunch of platforms. Or at least non-popular games that I remember quite vividly. I'll keep things interesting (and short) and post one set a day.
Feel free to comment with your opinion, or more interestingly, your own top 3. Or you can put it in your own post, I don't care.
Let's start with the oldest on my list: NES
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
It didn't matter if I couldn't get past the 3rd level in this game, I couldn't seem to get enough of this game. It could partially have to do with how much I loved TMNT as a kid (I had a bunch of toys and I watched the cartoon all the time) but this near-impossibly hard game has special memories, although I don't know what exactly. Running it in an emulator 10-15 years later, I still can't pass the 3rd level in the game without cheating somewhat.
I asked my brother and he said I never played this game as I didn't have my own save file, but whether that's true or not, when I ran it in an emulator 10-15 years later, I remembered just about EVERYTHING in the game. So either I really did play it or I really liked watching my brother play.
Wizards and Warriors
I don't really know what else to say about this game other than I liked it and I played it a lot. I guess I couldn't get enough of collecting gems, opening treasure chests, and fighting weird looking bosses like blue-faced things. 10-15 years later, I still remembered a lot too.
Runner-ups include: Robocop, TMNT 2: The Arcade Game, Super C (Contra 2), Street Fighter 2010 (featuring a cyborg Ken Masters), Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2, Double Dragon 2. Heck, maybe I should have just done a top 10.