Bulletin Board posting
Phoenix Wright asks what people have found out about the place so far - Sanzo writes in what he thinks is the most important so far. Elena is not pleased when she realizes who he is. - (with Elena)
Someone suggests a "Post an anonymous love letter to whoever you're thinking of" board. Goku writes in. - (with Goku)
Kyouya tries to get tips for a first timer, Kenren tries to get him to be more specific. Sanzo is not impressed with Kenren's class and says so. Homura shows up to harass Sanzo. - (with Kenren and Homura)
In which Sanzo finds out the location of the Patient Possessions Room and in which Homura shows up to gloat. -----------
Sanzo tries to locate some cigarettes and a lighter - other patients are also unhappy over the lack of cigarettes as well. Snake leaves a tip on a room that will have them (Dr. Stegman's office) as well as a guess that Stegman will have more on his person.
Sanzo leaves another message to Goku, similar to the first one - Brock gives him shit, Homura taunts him.
Sanzo wants more information out of Kenren - and this leads to a bitchfight, in which low blows are traded.
Superboy makes an immunization clinic against the aquila - Sanzo is less than impressed.
Looking for Homura's room number - some of Homura's underlings try to make it difficult.
Inventory list and "attunements":
Inventory/Weapons (in addition to starting equipment)
Pistol (missing five rounds, seventeen round capacity - taken from Elena)
Revolver (Smith & Wesson)-- (from Mr. Radio)
Journal - only a few pages filled out. Some thoughts on meditation, a few notes on the patients. Looks like he was about to write about Goku but aborted it midway and wrote in a halfhearted insult instead. Last page written in mentions vaguely forbidding Goku to go back to the basement.
Ammunition for the Smith & Wesson.
Bone saw
Several scalpels
Patient File - Lucas Crane (Genjyo Sanzo)
Patient File - Ethan O'Dell (Homura) --- Read already. Given to Hitsugaya ---Taken by Homura
Box of Cigarettes (unopened)
Second Box of Cigarettes (opened)
Has his full outfit again (Oktoberfest prize)
Maten sutra - (Oktoberfest 08 prize) - In Kenren's possession now.
His reading glasses - (Oktoberfest 08 prize)
(from Patient Possessions)
Acolyte robes
One Buddhist text
Carton of cigarettes
Faded jeans
Black Shirt
Prayer beads
Attuned to go past Cavern Doors in Basement - (Coliseum=done)