(no subject)

Jun 19, 2006 05:59


Bulletin Board posting

Phoenix Wright asks what people have found out about the place so far - Sanzo writes in what he thinks is the most important so far. Elena is not pleased when she realizes who he is. - (with Elena)



Someone suggests a "Post an anonymous love letter to whoever you're thinking of" board. Goku writes in. - (with Goku)



Kyouya tries to get tips for a first timer, Kenren tries to get him to be more specific. Sanzo is not impressed with Kenren's class and says so. Homura shows up to harass Sanzo. - (with Kenren and Homura)



In which Sanzo finds out the location of the Patient Possessions Room and in which Homura shows up to gloat.



Sanzo tries to locate some cigarettes and a lighter - other patients are also unhappy over the lack of cigarettes as well. Snake leaves a tip on a room that will have them (Dr. Stegman's office) as well as a guess that Stegman will have more on his person.


Sanzo leaves another message to Goku, similar to the first one - Brock gives him shit, Homura taunts him.


Sanzo wants more information out of Kenren - and this leads to a bitchfight, in which low blows are traded.


Superboy makes an immunization clinic against the aquila - Sanzo is less than impressed.



Looking for Homura's room number - some of Homura's underlings try to make it difficult.

Inventory list and "attunements":

Inventory/Weapons (in addition to starting equipment)

Pistol (missing five rounds, seventeen round capacity - taken from Elena)
Revolver (Smith & Wesson)-- (from Mr. Radio)
Journal - only a few pages filled out. Some thoughts on meditation, a few notes on the patients. Looks like he was about to write about Goku but aborted it midway and wrote in a halfhearted insult instead. Last page written in mentions vaguely forbidding Goku to go back to the basement.
Ammunition for the Smith & Wesson.
Bone saw
Several scalpels

Patient File - Lucas Crane (Genjyo Sanzo)
Patient File - Ethan O'Dell (Homura) --- Read already. Given to Hitsugaya ---Taken by Homura

Box of Cigarettes (unopened)
Second Box of Cigarettes (opened)

Has his full outfit again (Oktoberfest prize)
Maten sutra - (Oktoberfest 08 prize) - In Kenren's possession now.
His reading glasses - (Oktoberfest 08 prize)

(from Patient Possessions)

Acolyte robes
One Buddhist text
Carton of cigarettes
Faded jeans
Black Shirt
Prayer beads

Attuned to go past Cavern Doors in Basement - (Coliseum=done)

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