(no subject)

Feb 28, 2009 01:43

YESIREE, Tato finally naturalized this proud US of A! Among about 57 mainly Chinese and Arab individuals, he reported.

And did you guys hear bout the bhem siblings who got arrested for possession of this dealt from sean flansburg (im not sure who that is should i) a week ago??

that 9 oz. of weed, three grams of coke, and 83 hyrdro.

its fucking crazy. they took 5 grand, their computers, and cellphones. its just b/c they found 26 oz of heroin (street value of $50000 apparently) in a "drug mule from delmars" car pulling out from the gas station on delaware a couple of days before.

omg listen to this in one article:
"The use of drugs and alcohol at suburban high schools is nothing new and not uncommon. What has changed, according to the law enforcement officials in schools, is that students are more brazen about how they use drugs. It is not unusual that a high school student skips out during the day to smoke marijuana."

in other news...have u seen miley's 21 year old boyfriend? what a 16 year old slut!

bookworm boi

...and martha stuart with her chow chow collection

oo and one more thing, i've bussed by this record store snoop is standing on so many times but i haven't gone yet but i think i will this weekend...

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ok, bye guyz!
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