Sorry I'm a day late getting these up! Finals are here so it's getting crazy around here. This prompt list was compiled by
fireflypenance May 1 -- must have been late afternoon
May 2 -- I used to be my own protection
May 3 -- can't learn from our past
May 4 -- all you got is me
May 5 -- win or lose I'm starting over again
May 6 -- I used to like your smile once
May 7 -- lemme hear your battle cry tonight
May 8 -- and onto borrowed time
May 9 -- this is a new age
May 10 -- keep your number for a rainy day
May 11 -- one cold night
May 12 -- heaven ain't close in a place like this
May 13 -- what does it mean to you?
May 14 -- destiny? who cares?
May 15 -- I leave my life in your hands
May 16 -- you built a wall to keep you free
May 17 -- I'll be with you when the stars start falling
May 18 -- these are the lives you'd love to lead
May 19 -- stay and drown with me
May 20 -- there's still time to change the road you're on
May 21 -- misery loves me
May 22 -- he talks like a gentlemen
May 23 -- I can't seem to find myself again
May 24 -- these are the last words that I'll ever speak
May 25 -- is there life before a death?
May 26 -- it's not like I'm walking alone
May 27 -- this is my church of choice
May 28 -- it ain't over yet
May 29 -- love's strength standeth in love's sacrifice
May 30 -- fight this thing until we've won
May 31 -- the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation
Also announcing now that for the next month's prompts, we're taking volunteers who want to come up with them. We're ideally looking for two volunteers to split the 30 days in June (fifteen prompts each). If you're interested, just reply to this post, please!
I need to remind you all that the prompts for April are good until May 7 after that you can't post them in the community.
Happy writing!