Title: The Tale of Cecilia Button
Word Count: 992
Authors Note: Okay, so this one is sort of cheating, because I wrote it about a year ago...
It was a beautiful Sunday morning when Cecilia Button left the flower shop. She had always had a fondness for Sundays. They were quiet days, days when nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. But little did Cecilia know that on this particular Sunday, something extraordinary was about to change her life forever.
“Good morning Cecilia!” Called Mr. Chambers, who owned the Haberdashery. “Lovely weather eh?”
“Yes!” Cecilia beamed at him. “It’s a perfect Sunday!”
At that very moment the street seemed to explode. Everyone cried out in alarm as they gathered around to see what had happened. There, nestled among the paving stones, was a tiny, wrinkled creature with the head of a toad and the body of a baby. It was truly the most frightful thing anyone had ever seen. The ladies screamed in horror and the men all made warding signs. Everyone backed away in horror.
Everyone, except Cecilia.
“Just because something is ugly does not mean something is bad.” She said, and bent over the creature.
“Meble?” The creature said, holding out its tiny arms.
“Meble? Is that your name?”
“Meble!” It cried again, its arms waving about.
“You poor thing!” Cecilia said, and picked the creature up.
“Don’t touch it!” Cried Mr. Chambers. “It might be dangerous!”
“Just because something is ugly, does not mean something is bad.” Said Cecilia, and she took Meble home with her.
Meble grew very quickly, and in just three days he was the size of the little children who liked to play in the park. So Cecilia took him out with her on her afternoon walk. The world seemed very strange and new to Meble, and he kept pointing and staring at everything he saw.
“That’s a tree Meble. And that’s a bird!”
When they got to the park Meble went directly for the swings. All the other children moved away, laughing and pointing at him. When one little boy started throwing rocks Cecilia stepped forward.
“Just because something is ugly does not mean something is bad!” She chided the boy, taking his rocks away.
When her back was turned Meble rushed forward and bit the boy on the arm. Parents from all over came running, grabbing their children and rushing away. By the time Cecilia came back the park was empty. Except for Meble, happily playing on the swings. As Cecilia pushed him she said.
“Don’t worry Meble. Just because something is ugly does not mean something is bad.”
Meble continued to grow. And two days later he was big enough to go to school with the other children. Cecilia dropped him off and frowned when all the other children back away from him.
“Just because something is ugly does not mean that something is bad!” She told them, before giving Meble a kiss and going to the flower shop to begin her day. She got a call from Mebles teacher half an hour later.
“You have to come right now! All of the children are hiding in the closet, they won’t come out!”
Cecilia ran down to the school and saw Meble calmly sitting at his desk, gluing bits of foam and sparkles onto his construction paper. Cecilia marched over and flung open the closet door.
“Just because something is ugly does not mean something is bad!” She shouted, sending all the students dirty looks. She gathered Meble up in her arms and took him home. She never saw the bite marks on the children’s legs, or the sly smile Meble sent them over her shoulder.
Meble continued to grow, and three days later he was big enough to get a job. Cecilia dropped him off at the corner store with a smile.
“Have fun at work Meble!” She turned to Mebles coworkers. “And remember, just because something is ugly does not mean that something is bad.” She gave Meble a kiss and went home. She got a call from Mebles boss an hour later.
“You’ve got to come get him. All my workers have threatened to quit!”
Cecilia stormed down to the store, furious. She saw Meble sitting alone on a crate. The other men stood around him, glaring and sneering.
“You should all be ashamed of yourselves!” She shouted. “Just because something is ugly does not mean that something is bad!” She took Meble by the hand and led him out. She never saw the bite marks on the men’s hands and faces, or the broken goods and smashed windows.
Meble continued to grow, and four days later he was an old man. He stayed home now, playing cards and watching telly. Cecilia brought him home lovely things to eat and new books to read. She tried to get some ladies over to take care of him, but they only ever lasted a few hours.
“Just because something is ugly does not mean something is bad!” She would tell them. But they left anyway. Cecilia never saw the bite marks on their thighs.
Two days later, Meble lay dying. Cecilia sat next to his bed and cried. He held her hand and said “Meble.”
“Never forget that I love you Meble.” Cecilia said. “And never forget that, even if something is ugly, it doesn’t mean something is bad.” She kissed his forehead.
In that very instant Meble began to glow. He lifted off the bed and transformed into a handsome prince. Cecilia was shocked.
“Meble! Is that you?”
“Yes, it is me.”
His voice was deep and strong. Cecilia gasped.
“But how? ”
“This is my true form. And you, Cecilia Button, are allowed to see it.” He turned and headed for the door.
“No! Wait! Where are you going?”
“I am going in search of a land that isn’t so cruel.”
“But I was never cruel to you!”
“Oh no?” Meble stopped. “How many times in my life have you called me ugly?” And then he walked out the door, and Cecilia was alone.