Posting Guidelines

Sep 24, 2015 15:48

In order to make it easier on any people who may want to read/look at your works, please follow these guidelines on posting:

In the subject line, please include the month, day, year, and title of work.  For example: August 1, 2015-Dean's Misadventures with Cookies.  All other info is to be included in the info block ONLY.  The info block in question should look something like this:

Pairing: If you want to list pairings or characters
Rating: G to NC-17 are allowed (NC-17 MUST come with all necessary warnings)
Medium (fic, art, icons, etc.):
Word Count (if applicable):
Disclaimer: I don't own (insert fandom name here) or any related character.  Any additional disclaiming goes here as well. (To protect ourselves legally, lol)
Warnings: Any and all available warnings.  Spoilers, anything graphic or potentially triggering goes here.  If you have any questions on whether or not you should warn about something, just go ahead and warn about it, to be safe.
Notes: Any notes you may have.

It doesn't have to be exactly like that, but fairly close.  Make sure your reader knows what your work is.  Anything that needs to be warned against, explicit rating or graphic NSFW stuff, MUST be warned about clearly.  Now, you don't have to post your work directly to the comm here, though we don't mind that at all, but you can link it in your post to your journal if you wish.  But your post cannot be marked as "friends only" if you link it off this comm... we mods have to be able to see it to count it towards your completed 31 days.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment with them!


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