Title: Spare Granny
moreteadkWarnings: None
Rating: All ages
Character: Arabella Figg
Summary: Arabella must be careful that Harry doesn't like visiting her, or the Dursleys won't let him come back.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR and I only play with it behind her back.
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: For Day 13. Missed the actual posting date due to not being home.
Arabella opened all the windows to get the stink of cabbages out of her house. The next time she spoke to Dumbledore she would have to ask him for a potion that could neutralise the Eau De Cabbage he had given her to sprinkle on her carpets before Harry visited her, so she wouldn't have to have her whole house aired out. The poor boy. It would do him good to have just one person in his life who actually cared about him. Arabella would have loved to act as Granny, but she couldn't risk having him enjoy visiting her.