Title: Finish Strong
Day/Theme: June 4, 2016 - "I'll wait, so show me why you're strong"
Series: Hunger Games series
Character/Pairing: OC (Faline (Beaumont) Surfjan) + Mags, etc.
Rating: PG
If your friend died and you still considered one another friends at the time, that didn't mean your friendship ended. This was what Faline decided as she watched, riveted, as Mags, on live television, kissed Finnick and turned back into the fog. Should she turn away? Should she put her hands over her eyes and maybe peek a little? Should she keep on directly watching? (Mags would have watched her; did she, therefore, have a duty?)
When they had sat together on the porch on the night that the quell card had been read, Faline hadn't asked if Mags would be returning for another round of the Games. She had already known, but she voiced the fact anyway, as if hoping for one last chance of being proven wrong. "You're going back into the arena, huh."
Mags had nodded and taken her hand.
They had stayed on the porch a long time as the sun fell below the horizon.
Faline was not blind to the secretive efforts gripping Victors' Village for all that many of the relevant details were kept from her (presumably for the same reason that none of the four younger victors in the district knew everything about every part of it- no single one of them pressed to give details to save their skin could unravel every plot and the less extraneous information they knew, the easier it might be to play dumb). She knew there was no earthly way Mags would take the promise of Finnick's second time in the Games so calmly if she didn't already possess a firm conviction that he might come out of the arena better than he went in. For all that Mags loved and was fond of a great many people, Finnick was the only one Faline would have described as being like her child. He had been the sort of boy she had thought (worried?) her own son would have been (it was too hard to say if he was the same kind of man).
And now Mags had died for him and those wide-eyed young Twelves and the hopes of the revolution, where she had not had to die for Faline, sixty-three years ago. Mags was strong early, braving those Games and coming back home and lasting out these many years and the hardships that marked them.
Faline's not sure she ever knew she had it in herself to be strong until Jules went into the Games in turn, but Mags never acted like that made her any less. They were friends. That was enough. And when Jules had most needed strength from his mother, she had found it (but it hadn't been enough to save him). When Reza had most needed strength from his wife, she had kept hold of it even as she almost yearned for breaking (but it hadn't kept Reza afloat either).
Now she would be strong for Mags. And whatever was left of Victors' Village by the end of whatever came next, she vowed she would be there waiting, to welcome Mags' adopted family home.