Title: The Hard Way
Day/Theme: 3. accurate but not specific
Series: Pacific Rim
Character/Pairing: Newt
Rating: G
Newt was getting tired of explaining himself. No one who had listened to him rant and ramble before would have believed it possible. Back then, he had known more than he understood. Hermann had been the same. Hermann had written out the predictive model, knowing what would happen without understanding how. It had driven them both crazy to be so sure they were right without any way to convince someone else. They had to prove themselves right the hard way.
You would think that would be enough for some people. Saving the world only kept the naysayers and worrywarts quiet for a little while.They didn’t know anything about what they were asking. Everyone had their own theories and speculations which was fine except that none of them knew what they were talking about! Even when they had followed up on his and Hermann’s work enough to have a grasp of what had actually happened, they still were in that same frustrating zone of hitting the target without any bullseye in sight. That wasn’t the part that had Newt breathing deeply and counting to twenty and excusing himself to stare himself down in the bathroom mirror for a while.
The part that had his nerves in a knot was that what they also said about drifting with the kaiju. There were concerns about how it would probably cause all sorts of unknown damage, not the least of which was to Newt himself. They were probably right, but how right? Even he wasn’t sure. Every one of his behaviors was under scrutiny now and it wasn’t anything new. People had always been ready to diagnose and dismiss him. The difference was that now he wasn’t sure they were wrong.
It wasn’t just the burst blood vessels in his eyes. He could see little hints of bright, too-bright blue and he didn’t know which was worse; that it could really be there or he could just be crazy enough to see it. There was something wrong, but what, and how deeply?
He didn’t want to ask Hermann to look. He wasn’t sure he could hide anything from Hermann anymore, so Hermann was either already aware and not telling him for whatever reason, or Newt really was hallucinating. He had gone into the Drift with the monsters twice after all. He might have deeper, darker damage than even Hermann knew. Newt thought he had an idea, but there really wasn’t a way to be sure just yet. He was finding himself more and more terrified that those answers would have to come the hard way as well.