Title: Can't Take It With You
Day/Theme: April 18, 2009 "these prizes are for living men"
Series: Original
Character/Pairing: Adeodatus, Rusalka, Tavke
Rating: G
"It looks like it didn't do him a lick of good to hang onto all this stuff, did it..." Rusalka muttered, sorting through the late king's belongings. Tavke Shanai da Silmar had enough assorted cluttered in his personal quarters of the palace to fill the national museum. And with his grandfather's death and his ascension to throne, Adeodatus had inherited all of it, from the grandest portraits to the tiniest pieces of personal bric-a-brac.
"You mean not letting my father take anything that wasn't a musical instrument with him when he left the palace?" the new king inquired. He picked up one of several glass balls balanced on a stand and gave it a shake. Sparkling sprinkles of gold floated through the clear liquid inside. Interesting, but purposeless. He put it back in its place.
"Yeah, that," Rusalka clarified. She took one of Tavke's scarfs out of a drawer and tried it on, looking at herself in the full-length mirror.
"No, it didn't. But it's not as if Father really cared. He was never very interested in possessions. It was art and culture and experiences that mattered to him. He and Grandfather were very different sorts of people."
Rusalka found she rather liked the additional color the blue scarf brought to her outfit. She hoped the new king would let her keep it. She was betting he would be more like his father in regards to material possessions, but it still seemed best to ask, "And what sort of person are you?"
"My own man, I hope," he remarked solemnly, sitting down on the bed to rest. The last few days had been tiring enough. He could deal with his grandfather's belongings later after things had quieted down a bit. "If you're asking if I'm more like my father or my grandfather, I'd say more like my father. But obviously close enough to my grandfather's idea of a good heir for him not to hate me too."
"...So does that mean I can have this scarf?"
"Rusalka, you can have whatever items here you'd like!" Adeodatus laughed. He always appreciated her sincerity. Rusalka really was quite a character.
"Well, if that's the case-!" the plump woman redoubled her efforts to examine all the things around her, tossing aside the scarf and a cloak as the beginning of a small pile of treasures.