Title: Childhood Sweethearts
Day/Theme: Feb. 21 - "Love me little, love me long"
Series: Robin Hood (any version, but mine was the Disney one.)
Character/Pairing: Robin/Marian
Rating: G
It had been such a brief time they had been together, really, and it had been so long ago. They had been children. Then, they had been separated.
They weren’t children anymore. They were divided by more than distance now. She was the King’s niece… living in the castle, with a lady-in-waiting, never going hungry or being cold and wet. He was a wanted outlaw. He lived in a clearing in the woods. He ate what he could find or what one of the citizens of Nottingham wouldn’t let him leave without.
Despite that, they both went dreamy-eyed and giddy at the thought of each other. The time they had spent as childhood sweethearts had barely been a year. The time they spent in love would be eternal.