Title: The Wealth of a Lifetime
Author: Fyliwion
Fandom: Magic Kaitou
Pairing: Aoko/Kaito
Theme: Feb 18- "Inifinite Riches in a little room"
Rating: PG mabye PG-13 cuz theres a bed
Warning: Its reeking with sticky fluffs and sap
Disclaimer: Gosho doesn't write Shoujo... my point is made
It took him no more than a few steps to cross from the window to the bed. It was nights like these he could sometimes remember why he kept on going, or risked everything he had. The way her fingers curled around the pillow, and her hair fell across her face. She seemed smaller where she had buried herself in the covers, though most of them were around her rather than actually covering her. In the moonlight he could see where her blue negligee had slipped up to reveal her leg, though she didn’t seem perturbed by the cool air.
He took off his hat and monocle, setting them on the dresser before he began letting the rest of his night uniform fall the floor unceremoniously. She’d probably scold him for it later, but it was late and it had been a harder night then most.
Yet it had been won, or at least he believed it might have been. The stone certainly glowed brightly enough, and true the comet wouldn’t pass for another several months he just felt as though this had to be her.
All of human’s fortunes and follies in his pocket, his to do what he would.
He pulled out the gem and let it twinkle under the night sky wondering if he’d really be able to destroy it. In someways the allure of the mystery was so tempting, and the depth within the gem seemed to call to him.
He jumped when a warm hand was placed on his shoulder. He could feel the brush of hair against his cheek, and he smiled when she asked sleepily, “It’s pretty~ Is it-” He could feel her surprise without ever seeing her face.
“Yeah. It’s glowing.”
There was the silent realization of what it meant. The knowledge that the search really was over, and soon he’d be able to lay KID at rest. Soon the whole case would be closed, and he could focus on the things that had really come to matter in his life…
Finally he felt her tug on his arm, “Come to bed. You can tell me in the morning, but I want to finish my sleep and you have to be exhausted.”
He let tossed the stone with his clothes and turned to the woman who was already perched upright on her pillows looking at him expectedly. He slipped under the covers to wrap his arms around her waist.
“Yes dearie-” he teased as he buried his face in her neck.
She snorted, and he felt her shift closer to him as her breathing slowly went back to a regular time.
He wasn’t certain how long he let himself lay there listening to her breathing, and heartbeat fall into sync alone. But as he felt the night finally catch up with him he realized in the haze before sleep that he had no need of Pandora at all.
After all, he had all the riches he could ever want in that one little room.
And she was a much better companion than any rock could dream of being, even if dealing with eternity.
Especially if it meant eternity.
For rather a hundred years on earth with her and an eternity shared in heaven, than a thousand walking roads alone.