Title: Kindness
Day/Theme: February 10 - "And are for ever damned with Lucifer"
Series: Bloody Roar III
Character/Pairing: Kenji, Yugo
Rating: PG (spoilers?)
In return for his care, Kenji will protect Yugo from anything, even his own kindness. The brothers meet in the sewers, both weary from battle, and even as the mark digs further into his skin Yugo speaks of capturing Xion together. Killing, the ninja amends; the man is too dangerous to let live. They argue--fight--Kenji incapacitates his brother and is glad. There should be blood on only his hands.
Later, Yugo is appalled by the slaying, but blames the Tabula's influence rather than Kenji. Ever so kind, the younger thinks.
His brother is far too merciful to killers.