yay go patriots!

Feb 06, 2005 22:40

today was sooo interesting..err..funn! lol

hillary and i played on the playground
me n rachie almost jumped in the lake
joe made me think that i sprained his ankle
and ryan almost threw me over the balcony
and randall's hat got spitted on. lots.

AND the most craziest part of all..
missy, andrew, randall, me, and some guy got lost in the woods.
and i got a hole in my pants and scratches on my hands
because we had to climb fences and go over barbed wire and we went through like a bazillion thorn bushes and it was the most horrible awful thing ever!

but i lived and got to beat david and michelle in ping-pong. me and joe make the best team. haha.

i actually had a really fun time cuz everyone was there n it was suhhweett. but now theres more school tomorrow, darnit.
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