Title: High Priestess
edenbound (ficjournal)
Threesome: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart x Zell Dincht
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #3 High Priestess
Disclaimer: Seifer, Squall and Zell all belong to Squeenix, and not the squeeing fangirls. D'oh.
Notes: The fics I write for this community are all connected in an arc. I'll be writing them in order. As for how I interpret the themes, I've used
this page about tarot card meanings to pick key words/phrases to base my fics on.
Squall never really had friends before, and all of a sudden, boom, he was landed in a war, some friends were made for him, by fate or whatever sorts out these things. I sure as heck don't know. And then he was landed with two best friends, two people who cared really deeply about him. Me and Seifer, of course.
Wow, that was weird to think back then. "Me and Seifer"? I mean, it was cool, too, but... it was weird being his friend after all that happened, all the things he did and said. And it was Squall's doing, really -- he got Seifer to apologise to me. And like my Ma used to say to me a lot, when someone apologises, give them a chance to mean it, you know? So I was giving Seifer a chance. And it turned out to be a good call, really. He's not quite the asshole he felt compelled to act like back when we were training.
Anyway. I was talking about Squall.
So there he was, somehow landed with two best friends, and a girlfriend. For Mr Anti-Everything and the King of Anti-Socialness, that was really weird. Something had to break.
It was Rinoa's fault, I think. She was doing what she thought was best for him, of course -- she's too sweet to do anything else. But she has her blind spots and her moments of cluelessness, and something she was very clueless about was Squall's feelings. I know that he has deep feelings, but they're so deep that he does refuse to show them. She wanted him to make himself vulnerable all the time and that's something Squall isn't cut out to do.
So me and Seifer tried to do our bit, y'know?
Of course, we're guys, and like Quistis says, we're clueless. All we knew was that Rinoa was pushing Squall further than he could go. She was a bad influence on him, even though she had only the best intentions.
We stayed with Squall all night when she dumped him -- she thought he hadn't done enough. We didn't know how to tell him that he'd done too much.