Title of the work: No Judgement
darkkairachanThreesome: Kira/Katou/Setsuna
Fandom: Angel Sanctuary
Theme: #21, Judgement
Disclaimer: Don't own Angel Sanctuary
Notes: Pretty much PWP. 100 word drabble. So yeah, Smut.
There were hands all over him. Touching him, feeling him, sending pleasure all through his body.
Katou’s lips here covering his, his tongue in his mouth.
Kira’s mouth, Kira’s tongue was travelling lower and lower over his body. Setsuna’s cock was in Kira’s mouth now, being sucked on and licked.
Setsuna moaned in pleasure as he climaxed.
He always fell for the wrong people. His own sister, and now not one, but two men. However, no one was here to see this. No one could watch this. There was no judgement here, not from God nor from man.