Sango - Theme #3 - Fate

Sep 17, 2005 21:55

Title: Broken
Rating: PG/K+
Pairing: Implied Miroku/Sango
Genre: Angst/General
Word Count: 188
Summary: After everything, his words meant nothing.

After all this time, his promises and pretty words had come to mean nothing. Whispers in the night, shared glances that promised something more with time, had faded away. Tears poured from her eyes, but she barely noticed them until her vision became slightly blurred.

Angrily brushing them away, she approached the small clearing. Hands clenched into tight fists, she kicked at a small stone in her path, cringing as she realized where it had landed. Before her stood a huge expanse of bare land, the only visible object a shakujo, rings gently twinkling against each other in the breeze.

The tears came faster now, the memories washing over her. He had made her believe she had a future, given her hope that one day things would be set right. He had left her and it still stung. A soft mewl interrupted her thoughts, but did nothing to stop the tears. Wrapping her arms around Kirara’s neck, she allowed herself a moment to grieve what was lost.

As the wind gently rustled the rings of the shakujo she closed her eyes, letting the familiar sound soothe her senses.


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