Inuyasha and Kaede # 24 Death

Feb 19, 2010 18:55

Characters:Inuyasha and Kaede
Shard:# 24 Death.
Summary:Inuyasha is worried for Kaede.


The spring warmed up towards what promised to be a hot summer, but Kaede kept her woollen shawl firmly wrapped around her shoulders as the sun was not yet warmed up enough to keep the chill from her bones. In fact each summer seemed to take longer to warm up as she grew older, and her shawl had been a timely gift from Rin that was much appreciated. She did however enjoy watching the pups playing with the villagers’ children while she sat and basked in the growing sun.

Inuyasha watched her fondly as she chuckled to herself at the children’s antics and he brought her out some tea and fruited rice balls. He noted with unease that she seemed smaller suddenly and her hands had a papery whiteness he had not seen before. The hanyou sat down to keep his old friend happy, but while doing so, he recognised the symptoms of encroaching death and knew that this time there could be no forestalling it.

As yet the elderly Miko’s scent had not substantially changed, but there was a hint of difference and her blood didn’t sing in her veins as it normally did, and her heart was sounding more tired than usual to Inuyasha’s perceptive hearing. There were many other subliminal signs which Inuyasha knew his senses were telling him, even if he couldn’t name them. The hanyou was shocked and wasn’t sure what to do, then Kaede turned to him with a warm smile.

"It still does this old heart good to see thy pups at play Inuyasha; it is how things should be and should always have been for thee."

"Feh, it’s good to see, but there’s no use in dwelling on the past."

"Don’t be silly Inuyasha, the past is mainly all I’ve got now, and I’ve happily seen the future is good but..."

"Don’t talk like that Old Brat..."

"Inuyasha it’s only how it’s got to be, how much longer do ye think I have? I am human, not a being with youkai blood nor mated to one such."

"Inuyasha stop bullying Kaede." Kagome jokingly called from within the house and Kaede laughed and answered that he was innocent of such a crime. But she thought it time to come in and have a rest for a while in any case and Inuyasha helped her in, allowing her to lean on his arm.

"Oi, I’m not annoying the Old Brat Wench!"

"Inuyasha." Kagome warned.

"Feh! As if I would hurt Kaede." Inuyasha grumbled and the elderly Miko had to smile, not a lot had changed between the two, even if the rosary was never used now. He helped her onto her futon and made sure she was wrapped warmly for her nap, his hands ever so gentle. It amused Kagome to watch her often still gruff hanyou care for the old lady in the same way that he had handled his pups when they were babies.

She also smiled to herself as she heard a tired but happy whisper from Kaede to Inuyasha, that she had always known he was a kind child. But Kagome’s smile faltered when Inuyasha came out of the room and she saw that his eyes shimmered far too brilliantly and he was trying hard to firm his mouth. In that instant she understood and her hands flew to her mouth as she stared at him, and Inuyasha put his arm round her and guided her outside.

"How long Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered, the tears evident in her voice.

"I dunno, a week maybe two."

"Does she know?"

"I don’t think so, but she might suspect...I think she will do soon. Look I’ll take you to Sango and Miroku; I must go and warn Sesshoumaru, so’s he can tell Rin at the best time. I don’t want it to be too big a shock for her at the moment. Will you be alright?"

"Yes...I’ll talk to our friends, it will help...what of the pups?"

"They will have to be told before they ask embarrassing questions about what their noses are telling them."

"I’ll explain, will you be alright yourself?"

"Keh! I must go to my brother now." Inuyasha kissed Kagome tenderly before leaving her and heading west, but as he travelled an unknown black feeling was creeping on his heart. Inuyasha didn’t have time to wonder or examine what it could be however and besides, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to know. But it came crashing to the front of his mind when he reached Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha knew where to find his brother, as always he was close to Rin during her pregnancy; they were by the Lily Lake which had rapidly become Rin’s favourite private area. The family were near the edge and keeping a close eye on the tiny adventurous Koutaku, who like most toddlers loved water. With his mother holding him close as he reached his claws for the pretty flowers, they were the image of Inuyasha and Izayoi who had done the same thing in the same spot so many years before.

Of course the proud and vigilant youkai was different; Sesshoumaru guarded his own family, whereas the earlier pair had been ignored or neglected, even when surrounded by the luxuries of the Western Palace. The initial shock and sense of déjà vu had now worn off for both Inuyasha and his brother, who had come across the scene together the first time.

Inuyasha had been distraught at first seeing Rin and Koutaku, it brought back both real and unreal memories instantly, and Sesshoumaru was sensitive for once about his brother’s disturbance. He too was struck with the resemblance Inuyasha could see, and he remembered the Unmother and the inglorious episode surrounding it. Neither though had spoilt the area of relaxation for Rin by telling her, it was all in the past and could not be undone.

Inuyasha thought he had done with his reminiscences by now, but the black feeling washed over him remorselessly as he came across them this time, and he found he couldn’t face Sesshoumaru at the moment. He turned tail and walked away from the pair but it was too late, his brother had sensed his presence long before and went after him. Sesshoumaru was concerned by the bleak aura from Inuyasha; as far as the elder was aware there was nothing around to make his brother so despondent.

But as he approached, Sesshoumaru’s superior senses could tell that Inuyasha was also afraid, the hanyou was trying to stop a fine tremor throughout his body and he couldn’t prevent a whimper of mental pain from escaping. The older brother’s assessment and deductions combined with his rapid analysis of Inuyasha’s circumstances, gave him the answer and he immediately came and ‘woofed’ gently in Inuyasha’s ear.

"You are not alone Little Brother; you will not be so ever again." Sesshoumaru said firmly, but Inuyasha still trembled and gave no response. "Hear me Pup, you will not be alone, you are family, you are pack. You have a mate and pups of your own awaiting your return." This time his voice and the words reached Inuyasha and he leaned into Sesshoumaru with a heavy sigh.

"You come with news for me Inuyasha, the elderly Miko?"

"How did you ..?"

"I knew the last time I saw her, there were many signs, I have to admit it has happened sooner than I expected."

"She has not died yet...I came to warn you for Rin; you already knew a month ago? Why didn’t you tell me, how didn’t I pick it up?"

"There was no need to cause distress earlier than necessary, I believe she is not in pain and there is nothing further that can be done now to prevent her death. As for you not knowing, I think from your reaction now that you have known as long as I, or at least part of you has, and you have just not acknowledged or perhaps recognised what was happening. Probably because you are close to the woman and see her every day."

Sesshoumaru was being diplomatic; privately he thought Inuyasha just hadn’t wanted to face the fact before it was unavoidable. Sesshoumaru also wanted to know why Inuyasha scented of panic, it was subdued, but the Daiyoukai knew he was not mistaken. Once again he gave that soft ‘woof’ that appealed to Inuyasha’s own youkai and bestowed a sense of belonging. It worked better than the older brother hoped as Inuyasha was so unused to the intimate, familial call of Inuyoukai to Inuyoukai that he answered his brother without fuss.

"Something else disturbs your aura Little Brother; was it the sight of my mate and son again?"

"It just came over me, everyone I care for, and everyone who cares for me will leave me; my mother, Kikyou, my baby girl and now Kaede. Miroku and Sango will die and who’s to say that something won’t happen to Kagome and my other pups? I’ll have no one again, I’ll be alone." His voice quavered and his tremor started again. Sesshoumaru had been correct; the boy still feared being on his own, Kaede had been a stable figure from his youth and now like his mother had, she was leaving him.

It was a natural fear for the hanyou’s youkai who was translating it into panic for the complete hanyou who wasn’t really sure where the worry was coming from. This was a direct consequence of the humanity of Inuyasha; outliving most of his friends was an unchangeable reality and one that Sesshoumaru was thankful he didn’t have to face. But Inuyasha needed grounding quickly and Sesshoumaru’s ‘woof’ turned to a low growl to subdue his brother’s youkai, making it listen.

"Your Brother promises you will never be alone again Inuyasha and your mate is bonded to your life. It is not likely that you will lose her or your pups and I and my mate are also your pack now. Remember this." He stated firmly and held his brother until the tremors stopped and his words reached Inuyasha’s heart and his youkai calmed. Inuyasha nodded very relieved, and his aura evened out so that by the time they returned to Rin he was his normal self again.

Rin was ready to leave as she had surmised the reason for her brother-in-law’s surprise visit; Sesshoumaru had already warned her that this time was coming and she was more prepared than those who actually lived with the much loved elderly Miko. She gave Inuyasha a welcomed hug, understanding and grateful that he had come to warn them before Kaede passed on so that it gave Rin the chance to speak with her again.

When Kaede awoke in the house from her rest, she was welcomed by Sango, Miroku and Kagome who were enjoying a cup of tea and she gladly accepted one for herself. The children were still outside playing and Sango and Kagome were sewing and swapping recipes, while Miroku smiled indulgently, still grateful for his chance at a normal life. Then later on there was the surprise of guests as Sesshoumaru, Rin and Koutaku arrived, making a happy family occasion as the twins took their cousin out to play with the others.

A week later and once again the children were all playing as were some of the adults; Kaede sat and watched from her favourite seat. Sesshoumaru came to sit with her, ostensibly to speak about preparations for Rin’s future confinement; but as he looked at her she turned and smiled and he saw by her expression that she knew her time was limited.

"My journey is nearly over My Lord; I ask that ye watch over and care for this little family."

"I will do that in any case Priestess. How would you know that your time is limited?"

"I have seen death creep up on many, My Lord, I know the signs. I also know how family reacts. Besides Inuyasha cannot hide anything, I have known him too long to not know that his eyes give everything away. It is time for me, but he will be affected, this I know."

"You understand my brother well Lady. He will miss you greatly; you will leave an empty place in this home and amongst your friends."

"That saddens me, but I am grateful to have been a part of this, not many elderly spinsters have such an opportunity as I have had."

"You are not in pain?"

"No, thank ye for asking, there is no pain."

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