'Morning Routine' by Mariko Azrael, Power Rangers Time Force, list 1 #28

Jan 23, 2008 17:25

Title: Morning Routine
Author: Mariko Azrael
Fandom: Power Rangers Time Force
Claim: Katie/Trip
Theme List: List 1
Theme: #28 A Shower
Rating: PG-13
Description: Het, fluff, and early morning groping?
Disclaimer: Not mine

I'm not on the claims list yet, but according to the make a claim post I can go ahead and post once I'm approved. If I'm making a mistake, please tell me so I can fix it. ^^;

When Trip awoke, he couldn’t move his limbs-- or any other part of his body. ‘Luckily’ for him, however, he’d found himself in this position often enough to know what to do.

“Katie.” He tried to angle his head so he could whisper in her ear. “C’mon, Katie. I need to get up now. I can’t really do that if you’re on top of me.”

“You didn’t seem to mind me being on top of you last night.” She didn’t move, instead arranging herself so that she was hovering over him, smirking sleepily.

“Last night I didn’t have to get ready for work,” He reminded her gently. There was enough room now for him to prop himself on his elbows so he could kiss her. “We need to get going before we’re late.”

Katie sighed heavily. “I know, I know.” She cheered up a little as she played with his hair. “But I guess that’s what tonight’s for, huh?”

He was about to nod in agreement… but then she kissed him. Hard. Before he could do anything else she had him pinned down again with one hand as the other trailed down his body, fingers teasing a nipple before she went lower, finally resting on his--

“And on that note,” she practically sang as she got out of bed and pulled on a robe, “it’s time to get ready for work. I’ll go make breakfast, okay?”

Trip lay there motionless for several seconds… and decided the first step in getting ready for work today involved taking a cold shower.

A very, very cold shower.
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