Pretty Boy by cuethe_pulse, La Corda d’Oro, list 1 #8

Nov 06, 2008 16:38

Title: Pretty Boy
Author: cuethe_pulse
Fandom: La Corda d’Oro
Claim: General
Pairing: Azuma Yunoki/Nami Amou
Theme List: 1
Theme: 8-Visually Appealing
Rating: Hard R
Description: Het, Solo
Disclaimer: La Corda d’Oro and its characters do not belong to me.

Azuma Yunoki was good looking. Tall. Attractive. Willowy, but not in an entirely feminine way.

He was a pretty boy, Nami Amou decided as she studied the pictures of the Seisou graduate spread out across her desk. But there was something a bit off about him; something she hadn’t noticed when she’d watched him from afar at Seisou. She’d made most of her conclusions about him based on the opinions of girls that were crazy about him and guys that were jealous of him. Well, and Kahoko, somewhat, but that hardly counted. She’d always hesitated to say anything about any of the boys, so she’d been a mostly useless informant.

But she’d noticed it-whatever it was-when she’d interviewed him yesterday over lunch for a new segment of the school paper entitled: What Are They Up to Now? He had an odd air about him, an air that made Nami wary-the air of a person who seemed to be calm, but might one day snap and do something particularly heinous. And his smile, when captured in a photograph, looked like a smile that one might call “warm” and “inviting”, but when seen in person, the trained eye could tell that there was no feeling behind it whatsoever. He seemed…troubled. That was the word. He seemed to be considerably troubled.

But his prettiness made it hard to care about that.

Nami sighed softly and closed her eyes, her cheeks growing warm as she remembered their lunch date. She’d found herself stumbling over her words whenever their feet had touched under the table, wanting to run her fingers through his silky-looking tresses, heart pounding when he’d brushed his lips against her hand as they’d parted. He was a charmer, that one. She wasn’t completely sure how she’d managed to control herself during their interview, how she’d managed to keep from throwing herself across the table and into his arms.

She certainly wasn’t controlling herself now.

Her fingers had traveled down past the waistband of her skirt without her realizing it. She started slightly at the first touch of her cool finger to the heated flesh between her legs, an unbidden moan escaping her. She thought of Yunoki as she spread her legs and touched herself, her hips gyrating as she squirmed pleasantly in her chair. She thought of his pretty boy lips and pretty boy hair; she imagined it was his pretty boy hand inside moving inside her underwear.

Her lust-glazed eyes stared at the pictures on her desk as she jerked into the touch of her rubbing fingers; she imagined Yunoki laughing at her when she came and her face burned. She groaned and flipped the pictures over, escaping the man’s gaze. How embarrassing. She wasn’t the type to pine after someone, dammit! She was the one who sought out the pining and reported on it. She wasn’t going to  do this again. She wasn’t going to sit there turning to jell-o at the thought of some boy, especially a boy as guarded and troubled as Yunoki.

No matter how pretty he was.

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