One Night With Ellen by my_sam_dean, Supernatural, List 1, Theme 15

Mar 28, 2008 20:10

Title:  One Night With Ellen
Author/Artist:  my_sam_dean
Fandom:  Supernatural
Claim: Sam Winchester
Theme List: 1
Theme: #15 - Student and Teacher
Rating: NC-17
Description: Ellen teaches Sam about women.
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.

He was at the bar, more than a little frustrated that he'd been left behind. Dad was on a hunt and Dean just took off with a girl, his hook-up for one night, nothing special. Sam envied Dean's easy way of getting female attention and the charm that just seemed to ooze out of him as he seduced them. Sam was too shy to try the tactics Dean used and when he did talk to a girl, he tripped over his tongue and the words came out all wrong.

"How ya doing, honey?" Ellen asked. "Where's Dean?"

"Gone for the night," Sam started at his nearly empty bottle. "Can I have one more?"

"Long as you're not driving, sweetie."

"Dean took the car. I'll be lucky if he remembers to come back and get me."

"There's always those cots in the back," Ellen reminded him.

"Yeah. Thanks. Since I have an actual bed to sleep in back at the motel, I'd like to sleep there if Dean is done entertaining. We've slept the last two nights in the Impala, if you can call what we got sleep."

"I'm not going to turn you out, Sam, so don't worry about a place to sleep."

"Just a little disgusted with Dean." He looked up and saw the kindness in her eyes. He smiled and added, "I'll be fine."

Ellen nodded and went back to drying glasses and waiting on customers.

It came time to close the Road House and Sam was still on his barstool. He'd had a couple more, but he'd been sitting there for quite some time.

"What are you thinking Sam? I could give you a ride to the motel."

"Dean probably still has his 'date' there. Is the offer still open to stay here?"

"Always is. Just give me a few minutes to close up."

Sam's mind grew numb as he finished off his beer.

"Dean seems to have an easy time with the ladies, but that doesn't mean he's successful at it in the long run." Ellen told him.

"It's just difficult to have it rubbed in my face."

"You'll do fine, Sam. Your way is just a little different."

"Yeah. I had two dates last year. Dean's had two this week."

Sam started at the empty bottle. Ellen cleaned around him and figured out what she could do to make Sam feel better.

"Come on, Sam. I think it's time to get to bed."

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me stay." Sam slid off the barstool and followed Ellen.

She opened a door and turned on the light. It was an actual bedroom with a bed, no cots. Sam was confused.

"I'd like you to stay with me tonight," Ellen said.

Sam just stood there, rooted to the spot and tongue tied.

Ellen stepped right up to him. "You have so much going for you, Sam. When you meet that one for you, you're going to be able to hold onto her. I've sensed that you might be a little insecure about your knowledge of bedroom activities or women in general. I thought I could teach you a little about both."

She gently laid a hand on his cheek. "Come on, Sam. I don't bite."

Sam smiled.

"Glad that's settled. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."

As soon as Ellen left the room, Sam began to wonder what he'd gotten himself into. His head was too foggy to really think it through. So, he just got ready for bed. He slipped between the sheets in his t-shirt and boxers.

Ellen came back in a nightgown, nothing really sexy, but not one of her old, thin ones either. "You okay if I shut off the light?"


Ellen walked around the bed and crawled in. She reached out and touched Sam's arm.

"It might seem like Dean has the corner on women, but that's just a certain kind. And, I'm guessing that isn't the kind that you're looking for."

"No, they're not."

"Then, why let it bother you?"

"It wouldn't if Dean didn't brag about his conquests."

"I can see where Dean could make it hell," Ellen nodded in the dark. "Want to know what women really want?"

"Sure," Sam seemed hesitant.

"They want the security of a faithful man who truly loves them. Flowers are nice but so is a heart-felt love letter. And, a love letter you can keep. It's more romantic, too."

Ellen rolled on her side so she was facing Sam. "You have the advantage in the long run."

"How's that?" Sam asked quietly.

"You have the qualities a woman looks for, and I'll show you what feels good. It's different for every woman but Dean's going by what feels good for him and taking it from there. Here, give me your hand."

Sam gave her his hand and she placed it over her heart. "This is the most important part of the body when it comes to making love. If it doesn't come from here, it just feels fake."

Ellen saw Sam nod in the light coming in from her window. "Be with me, Sam. Show me what you know and I'll add to your knowledge."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am."

Sam placed his lips on hers and kissed her gently. She tried to respond in kind, but it had been so long since any man had been in her bed. Their kisses grew deeper and Sam moved his hand so that he could feel her breast. Ellen took in a ragged breath.

"Is this okay?" Sam asked.

Ellen sat up and removed her nightgown. "It's more than okay. All of this is."

Sam adored breasts. When his breast play could be improved, Ellen moved his hand or mouth to another place or whispered suggestions. Sam knew he was getting honesty, and he was thankful for it.

When they laid by each other, naked, Sam said, "Ellen, I, um, don't have any protection."

Ellen laughed that comfortable laugh of hers. "Honey, I haven't had to worry about getting pregnant for years. We'll be fine."

"I've never gone without."

"See? That means we're both clean. It's okay, sweetie."

Sam learned from Ellen and she might have even learned a little bit from him. It wasn't simply a one-sided affair, Ellen showered Sam with adoration, too.

Afterwards, spent and sleepy, Ellen laid with her head on Sam's chest and his arm around her. "This part is important, too," she told him.

"Yeah, it's nice."

"I know this started out awkwardly, but would it be okay if I slept here by you?"

"I'd like that," Sam kissed the top of her hair.

"Thanks, Sam. Some nights I really miss this."

"Anytime, Ellen. If I'm around and you need me, just let me know."

Ellen sighed as she let herself relax into Sam's body. She wanted to remember what it felt like to be held. She doubted she'd ever ask Sam to hold her in the future.

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