Dec 03, 2008 19:20
I am trying to write a letter to Sarah for the Make Sarah Smile project, but for some reason it just doesn't seem right. I was wondering if anyone had time to read over my letter (its less than one page) and tell me what you think. I would really, really appreciate it!
Heres the letter:
(Short intro before this)
I remember being in my World History class earlier this year when one of my classmates announced that a woman had been chosen as the Republican Vice President nominee. At the time, only a few of us knew of the governor from Alaska, who would come to be one of the people I admire most. As a student at an all girl school I am a firm believer that women can achieve anything, and you have enforced that idea, first as the mayor of small town Wasilla, then as the governor of Alaska, and finally as the first woman to run on the Republican ticket. You are a beacon of hope among the many corrupted men leading politics in Washington today, and I thank you, for serving as a role model to women everywhere, and for bringing your special view on politics to Washington.
I first became invested in the 2008 Election after writing a paper for my AP English class in early September where we had to analyze the media’s effect on elections past and present. In my research for that paper, I read many stories and articles about a woman who had taken America by storm and totally captivated the nation. I learned that the Republican Vice President Nominee had begun as a hockey mom, joined the PTA and was elected onto the Wasilla City Council, before being elected mayor of Wasilla; all within a very short time span. After a short run as mayor of Wasilla, the small town hockey mom ran a campaign for Governor of Alaska and defeated an incumbent, becoming the first female governor of Alaska. This small town hockey mom/governor named Sarah Palin has impacted the lives of people everywhere and I would like to thank you, Governor Palin, for the impact you have had on my life.
Women have fought a long, hard fight to be able to enjoy the rights we take for granted today. It is truly an inspiration to see such a successful woman having a voice in politics and juggling her family at the same time. My parents have always stressed to me that I will one day have to choose between having a career and having children, but you have shown me that it possible to have both. You have shown me that gender should not affect my choices in life, and that if I work hard enough, I can get to where I want to be.