Title: The Heartbeats You Had Left to Live
aino-himitsuPairing: Shippou/Kagome
Fandom: Inuyasha
Theme: #24 satin sheets
Rating: T
Word Count: 388
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha, so how the hell can I make money off of this lowly piece of fanfiction?
"Chapter" Summary: "Your heart didn’t want to continue beating. It was too weak. But I was weaker. I could only hold you in my arms and count the heartbeats you had left to live..."
Warnings: Angst. Character Death. Tragedy. Alternate pairing. Alternate Universe (I think). If I can think of anything else, you’ll be the first to know.
Author's notes: I do the opposite with this fic. I start from Kagome’s death, and write back through Shippou’s memories of the last six months she had left to live. I somehow felt it would be richer... that way. I started crying writing this piece. It’s going to be a shorter fic (like less than 10 chapters), and I’m thinking that the chapters might be shorter than usual too. Also, Shippou isn’t a the kid fox anymore either. In any case, the nature of their relationship will be explained, and no it’s not a mother-son relationship. If that weirds you out, turn back now. You’ve stepped into my Alternate Universe of Doom (and tears).