Title: The Grey Lady
Pairing: godric gryfindor/rowena ravenclaw/salazar slytherin
authors notes: I guess its prety decent. I have never written anything like this it was one of those.. odd ocuranced of inspiration I guess. well enjoy
time: 34 minutes
Roaming the halls at the darkest hour. Students having trysts in secret passages and abandoned classrooms. Being in different houses never stopped anyone. She knew that well. There where things these halls hid well. The thing about the four founders was that no one knew much about them. Im the spirit of randy, rebellious ravenclaw girls she too, had been involved with a Gryfindor. The Gryfindor of all Gryfindors. Godric himself.
Making her way to the highest tower, she remembered well. They had kept the child under wraps for a good while but tonight he stood up to her. She had insisted they raised her well. With a nice quiet life. If the world was to know of their little family it would bring scandal to the school. But he wanted to be bold. Let the everyone know. To stand up to the world and proclaim their love. He never got the chance. He was late.
When she reached the top. Always their meeting spot. She found Salazar, sitting on the partition. Wand in his hand. She froze and he stepped toward her.
“Hello, Rowena. Looking rather lovely this evening.” he swept some red strands from her face. Kissing her neck. She was frozen. Much stronger than she had ever been. Her eyes darted. He locked the door. “Such a shame you wasted yourself on that fool. I’ve wanted this for so long.” he lifted her dress. “I know your trying to break it.” Legilimens don’t fail me now, she thought to herself.
As he kissed her she broke free and started a struggle. Using his brute he pushed her to the ledge. There was no where but down and maybe she could save herself. Slipping over the side she saw an undefinable spell being cast down. He must be counter-spelling her. And with a last thought she waved her hand at the sky. The wave of green came over her and there was instant light.
She remembered the lie, the rumors and the truth. Then Godric made his way to the scene he found her body and a note in the sky. Etched out in blue “my love” . Salazar slipped away in noticed and everyone thought it was suicide. Some lie that she had been covering. Godric left with the baby before her spirit could find balance as an imprint on the world. She stayed out of the way until her face was forgotten. And thus ended the golden age of the four founders.
The hall was dark but she knew he was there. She looked straight at him and the cover came off.
“Uh. Hullo Grey Lady. Fancy meeting you here.” the boy with the lightning bolt shaped scar grinned in fake innocence.
“Go back to bed Harry.” she said wyrilly . And she watched her offsprings offsprings offspring stalk off into the darkness.
Looking out the window she sighed with remorse. On a dark moonless night like this you could still see a faint out line of her last words. If you knew where to look.