Beta #11: Needle (Absynthe, Chapter 11 by Winter)

Jul 28, 2013 11:23

Title: Absynthe, Chapter 11
Author: winterwing3000
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Pairing: Kain Akatsuki x Souen Ruka
List/Theme: Beta #11, needle
Rating: K
Summary: Never offend women with embroidery.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Vampire Knight. They belong to the creator, Matsuri Hino.
Warning: None.

“Um, Ruka-san?” Yuuki said hesitantly.

Ruka lifted her attention from her work and looked at the Kuran princess. “What is it, Yuuki-sama?”

“I understand that Onii-sama told you to help me become a proper lady,” the brunette started slowly. She then held up the project from her lap. “But what does embroidery have to do with becoming a lady?”

Sighing inwardly, Ruka knew that eventually the other vampire would grow bored of needlework. “Yuuki-sama, a lady must be well-rehearsed in several things and for you, even more so because you are the Heiress of the Kuran Clan. In certain social settings, it is normal for the women to talk of things such as cooking, embroidery, fashion, literature, and the like. To not know of these things is almost unheard of.”

Yuuki looked extremely perplexed by the new information that Ruka told her. It was only normal that Yuuki-sama would find it strange, Ruka said to herself, since the girl did not attend any social vampire gatherings in the past as a human. Director Cross made sure to keep Yuuki-sama within the school grounds most of her life.

“So that’s why Aidou-senpai made me read all those books,” Yuuki muttered to herself. Then another question formed in her head. “But can’t I do something a little simpler, Ruka-san? I don’t think my skills are at your level yet…”

Ruka looked thoughtfully at the design she had Yuuki follow from a magazine. At the moment, there were only outlines of what she presumed to be the flowers despite the crookedness of them all. Maybe she did go a little overboard in assigning such a difficult piece for an amateur. Simpler things such as patterns made of a myriad of shapes would have been better to start with.

Before she could change her decision, the door slammed opened rudely and two vampires strolled into the room.

“Oi, Ruka-Eck!” Hanabusa pulled his head back as Kain’s fist suddenly appeared in front of his face.

Kain first looked down at his cousin and then turned to Ruka. Amusement glinted in his eyes as he unfurled his closed hand and walked over to where the two females sat.

“Ever heard of knocking, Hanabusa?” Ruka said in an even tone, though there were scathing undercurrents in it as well. She set her embroidery project on the table minus a needle. Yuuki looked on, bemused by their interaction.

“I believe this is yours,” Akatsuki said as he held out the sharpened sliver of metal. Once Ruka took the needle from his hand, Kain properly greeted the Pureblood vampire. “Yuuki-sama.”

“Hello, Kain-senpai! Is the meeting with Onii-sama finished already?” Yuuki asked with a small smile.

Kain nodded at her before he turned to Ruka, who was staring at him with a deadpanned expression. “What is it?”

“Why did you have to be a hero?” Ruka asked in mild irritation. “And Hanabusa’s no less?”

vampire knight, beta #11: needle, fanfiction, kain akatsuki x souen ruka

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