Xi #29: Refrain From Envy. It's The Source Of Much Unhappiness. (Unspoken Rules by Kitsune Moonstar)

Oct 23, 2012 20:00

Title: Unspoken Rules
Author: kitsunemoonstar
Pairing: Ukitake Jyuushiro x Unohana Retsu
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #29: Refrain From Envy. It's The Source Of Much Unhappiness.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Rating: For Everyone

Unspoken Rules

It might not look like it, but Nanao was trying to keep a hold of her temper. She knew it was not entirely Yamagata's fault. He was a new shinigami, and unfortunately, his training at the academy had not beaten his arrogance out of him. It did not help that he was both a very strong shinigami and had take to both kidou and using his zanpakutou like a fish to water. He had become an officer in the Eighth Division very quickly after graduation. That didn't mean he understood how things worked.

Nanao shook her head. She knew better than to try to explain. Many new shinigami took quite a while to understand just how the relationships between older shinigami shape the way the Divisions worked. Many of the relationships were subtle, and trying to explain some of those relationships was often a waste of time. Even worse, the new shinigami often made bad assumptions based on what they didn't know. And that caused problems. Yamagata was about to cause one himself, and Nanao was determined to prevent it if she could. Mostly because she'd spent the last month making sure that both Shunsui and Captain Unohana stayed sane while they nursed Captain Ukitake through a very bad bout of his illness.

Captain Ukitake was going to be all right, and he was well on his way to recovery now, but Nanao was very aware that the last thing that Retsu Unohana probably wanted to deal with was a man who was convinced that he was her perfect match and wouldn't listen to reason when her long time lover was just barely out of the woods. So Nanao was going to keep Yamagata from interfering with Captain Unohana's afternoon plans even if it meant tying the man to a chair and forcing him to do paperwork all afternoon.

Well, she hadn't taken things quite that far, but Yamagata had been rather disgruntled to be called into her office and be told that he was now in charge of dealing with the backlog of forms that needed to be filed. When he bristled at her instructions, Nanao just gave him a look.

"You asked for more responsibility. Captain Kyoraku wants me to delegate more. This is the result." Nanao arched an eyebrow at him. "You did say that you weren't the typical paperwork shirking officer that I normally deal with."

The man sighed but set to work. However, when Captain Ukitake and Captain Unohana passed the open door, strolling arm in arm. A growling noise escaped Yamagata's mouth. Nanao sent him a sharp look.

"Please refrain from envy. It's the source of much unhappiness and it often proves detrimental to the work environment."

Yamagata grumbles but continues to work. Nanao is not at all surprised when an hour later Shunsui sweeps in with lunch for her. She lets him brush a kiss across her cheek and recognizes the lunch as the thank you it was. No one was going to interfere with Ukitake and Unohana's dates if they could help it.

ukitake jyuushiro x unohana retsu, bleach, fanfiction, xi #29: refrain from envy

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