Title: Secret Garden
kitsunemoonstarPairing: Sephiroth x Aeris Gainsborough
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Theme: #21: Diving for Treasure
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII or its characters.
Rating: For Everyone
Secret Garden
He had been feeling restless when he set out. It happened sometimes. When SOLDIER wasn't out on missions and there was little more than paperwork to do, Sephiroth often found that he grew restless and needed to get away from the ShinRa Building and work. Sometimes he let Zack drag him off some place or went spent time with the Turks. They were always entertaining. But sometimes he just needed to go off on his own. So Sephiroth had dressed as unobtrusively as possible and set out into the depths of Midgar.
There had been no set goal or major intention behind the trip. He had just needed to get away and wander. So when he stumbled across the old church in the slums, he wasn't expecting it. From the outside, the building didn't really seem that special. There were plenty of dilapidated houses of worship littering the slums. Inside, however, was a completely different story.
In truth, Sephiroth doesn't know what made him step inside. The view immediately overwhelmed him. It was an oasis of green in the depths of Midgar. Flowerbeds covered the floor of the church, creating a carpet of green dotted with bright colors. There was a variety of flowers in all stages of bloom. It was an amazing sight. Sephiroth was amazed by what had been accomplished here.
The fact that there were plants growing everywhere he looked had distracted him at first from the fact that he was not alone in the building. Of course, the other person hadn't noticed him yet either. The girl knelt amidst the plants, humming to herself as she worked. The faint sunlight that had worked its way into the slums kissed her hair and almost gave her a halo. It was fitting. She had worked miracles here. It took some sort of incredible talent to grow things here. And for them to flourish this way was even more unbelievable.
The girl looked up from her work, finally noticing him, smiled. "Hello. Can I help you?"
He shook his head. "This is amazing."
"Thank you. You're welcome to look around."
There was a sense of peace here. It was not a perfect place. There were pools of muddy water on the ground, and it is the slums. But this little garden also transcened that to a point. It was like hidden gem. A treasure found in the darkest depths of the ocean. He hadn't intended to find this place, but Sephiroth had the feeling that he would come back here.