Title: A Birthday Present
kitsunemoonstar Pairing: Kyoraku Shunsui x Ise Nanao
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #19: Solipsist
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Rating: For Everyone
A Birthday Present
Nanao Kyoraku let out a soft sigh and straightened her yukata. She still wasn't quite sure how to give her husband his birthday present this year. While Nanao was quite aware that he would appreciate it, she just wasn't sure what the best way to give it to him was. One hand fell to rest upon her stomach. There was a hint of a curve there now, but no other sign that she was pregnant. Captain Unohana had just confirmed that for Nanao earlier this week.
At the time, it had seemed like a good idea to wait and tell Shunsui on his birthday. They had talked about starting a family before, but neither of them had expected it to happen so soon. They had only been married for about a year now, and the fertility rates of female shinigami weren't high. Still, Nanao couldn't say she wasn't pleased. She was just a little nervous. The whole salutation was a little overwhelming to think about at times.
Looking out over the little garden that ran along side the private quarters she shared with Shunsui, Nanao sighed again. There really was no use in worrying over things. It wouldn't change them, and no matter what Shunsui's initial reaction to the news was, Nanao was certain he would be happy once it sunk in. He was probably going to be unbearably overprotective once he found out, but that was inevitable. Pregnancies were fairly rare among shinigami, and Shunsui wouldn't risk anything going wrong.
"Nanao-chan?" Her husband peered out on to the porch. "There you are, precious."
She let him wrap his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. There would have been a time when she would have protested the action, but that was a long time ago now (unless he tried it in the office, then all bets were off).
"Are you ready to go?" he asked.
Nanao nodded. They had plans for birthday picnic this afternoon. It would be just the two of them, Captain Ukitake, and Captain Unohana. Shunsui moved to let go of her, but as his hand slid over her stomach he paused. Nanao smiled and placed a hand over his.
She turned so she could see his face. Shunsui's eyes were rather wide.
"Are you…you're sure?"
With a smile, Nanao nodded. "Captain Unohana thinks I'm about two and a half months along, so unless you're of the opinion that only your own mind exists for sure, then yes, I'm certain."
Shunsui scooped her up in his arms, hugging her close. Nanao snuggled into the embrace, all of her tension and nervousness gone. She had known things were going to just fine.
He nuzzled her nose. "When is your due date, Nanao?"
"Some time in January." Nanao smiled. "Happy Birthday, Shunsui."
Nanao slid her fingers into his hair and pulled his face down in order to kiss him. She would say that this particular birthday gift was a success.