Title: Pain and Suffering
kitsunemoonstar Pairing: Urahara Kisuke x Shihoin Yoruichi
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #08: Embryology
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Rating: For Everyone
Pain and Suffering
This was not at all comfortable. She hadn't thought it would hurt this much. Oh, Yoruichi had known that labor was painful, but knowing something and experiencing something were two very different things. This was much worse than the false labor pains that she had been having all week. Yoruichi had been woken from a sound sleep by these pains, and it had taken longer than she appreciated to wake Kisuke and for them to get to the Kurosaki Clinic.
Speaking of Kisuke, Yoruichi squeezed the hand of his that she was holding a little tighter. Her fingernails dug into his hand. Kisuke winced. Yoruichi ignored that. She doubted that it was anything compared to what she was currently feeling. Yoruichi was definitely never having a child again. And she was also considering killing Kisuke as soon as she finished giving birth. The damn man had gotten her pregnant after all.
She wasn't even supposed to be in labor right now. It was a week before her due date, and Yoruichi had been told by countless people that first babies tended to be late. Clearly, someone had forgotten to tell the baby this as well. And when were those drugs going to kick in? Isshin had agreed to give her something for the pain, but it didn't seem to be working yet. Another contraction hit her, and Yoruichi decided she was definitely going to kill Kisuke. There was absolutely no reason for going through this. As soon as she finished giving birth, she was going to kill him.
The man might know about embryology and the other scientific aspects of reproduction, but he clearly didn't know anything about what it was actually like or he wouldn't have gotten her pregnant in the first place.
"All right, Yoruichi. We're almost done. On the next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can." Isshin's voice was far too calm and cheerful for this situation; she might have to kill him too.
When the next contraction hit, Yoruichi gritted her teeth and pushed. Isshin kept a commentary that Yoruichi ignored for the most part, but she was storing this whole experience in her memory in order to fuel her homicidal rage later on. And then finally it was over. Isshin smiled at her.
"Congratulations, you two. You have a healthy baby girl."
Moments later he placed the baby, wrapped in a green blanket, in her arms. Yoruichi looked down at her daughter to find the baby looking back at her. She had a head of dark hair and pale green eyes, and her skin was a few shades lighter than Yoruichi's own.
"She's perfect," Kisuke's tone was reverent.
Yoruichi glanced up at her partner and grinned at the look on his face. Kisuke was already wrapped around his daughter's little finger. Yoruichi glanced back down at the baby in her arms and kissed the girl's forehead. She really was perfect. Maybe she wouldn't kill Kisuke after all.