Title: Passionate Kisses, Chapter Two
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Eiri/Shuichi
Warnings: None at this time
Rating: PG (only because of the yaoi factor . . . and blood)
Summary: Just some everday moments that they share.
“Eiri . . .”
At the sound of his name, the novelist glanced at his young lover. Shuichi gazed back, his violet eyes turbulent and . . . pained? Why would the boy be in pain?
That was when he noticed that the vocalist held his right arm close to his chest, blood soaking into the light blue t-shirt he was wearing.
He hadn’t been aware of what he did next. His instincts had taken over. Somehow, Eiri had thought to grab a towel and wrap it around Shuichi’s arm, though he didn’t recall telling himself to do so. He didn’t remember taking the younger man into his arms and leading him to the car. No harsh remarks came from him as he drove to the nearest hospital.
Reality set in the moment the nursing staff took Shuichi out of his arms and whisked the singer behind a set of emergency room doors. The staff wouldn’t let him beyond those doors, wouldn’t let him be with his lover as they took care of Shuichi. He’d have to wait and he hadn’t been a patient man for many years.
As his wait began, Eiri tried to think of why Shuichi had begun to bleed like that. Had his lover accidentally cut himself? The singer had been in the kitchen the last Eiri knew.
‘No . . . he’d have cried out . . . he always does when he accidentally cuts himself . . . So what happened? Is he cutting himself?’
The thought chilled Eiri to his core. Was the vocalist intentionally hurting himself? Why would Shuichi do that? Were things that bad between them? Had he turned a blind eye to whatever had been troubling the young man?
‘No . . . things have been fine . . . Shuichi’s happy, I know he is . . . I’ve never seen him this happy before . . .’
At the sound of his name, Eiri glanced at the one who had spoken. Tohma and his sister stood in front of him, both wearing concerned expressions. The novelist blinked, confused. How had they known he was there? He hadn’t called anyone. They shouldn’t be there.
“Eiri, what happened? We stopped by your apartment but you weren’t there . . . There was blood by the kitchen door,” Tohma explained, as if he’d read Eiri’s mind.
‘Maybe he does have psychic abilities,’ a little voice whispered. ‘It is Tohma Seguchi we’re talking about.’
Eiri duly ignored that voice as he replied, “I don’t know. He was fine . . .”
A young man wearing glasses and surgical scrubs approached three of them, interrupting the rest of what the novelist was going to say. Blood smeared the front of his shirt but nothing extensive. To Eiri’s untrained eye, though, it was sickening and his stomach churned at the sight. Panic surged through him and he fought to maintain control.
“I’m Yuki-san,” he managed to say. “How is he? Is he . . .”
“He’s fine,” the doctor assured, giving Eiri a warm smile. “He’s resting comfortably right now.”
“What happened? Why . . .”
“We’re not entirely sure,” the doctor said. “All we know for certain is he hit his arm on something sharp, causing a fifteen centimeter gash to open on his right arm. Because of the extensive bruising, we had to use liquid stitches. We’re running some tests . . .”
“Bruising?” Eiri interrupted. “What bruising? How . . .”
“That is why we’re running the tests, Yuki-san . . . and why I have a few questions for you.”
“I want to see Shuichi,” he stated coolly, his defenses rising. He had a feeling he knew what the doctor was going to ask him and he didn’t like it.
A hand grasped his shoulder at that moment and gave it a gentle squeeze. Eiri turned to see Tohma giving him a stern look.
“Answer his questions, Eiri. Mika and I will go sit with him. He won’t be alone.”
Eiri wanted to protest, to go and check on Shuichi himself, but knew that it would be futile to argue his brother-in-law. He’d have to leave Shuichi with them, as much as he hated to do so. Reluctantly, he nodded and then turned to back to the doctor.
“All right . . . what do you want to know?”
* * *
Some time later, after that damned doctor had finished asking his questions, Eiri crept into Shuichi’s room. Mika was nowhere in sight - he figured she’d gone out to have a cigarette - but Tohma was still there, sitting quietly at the vocalist’s side. The older man glanced at him as he entered.
“He just fell asleep. Whatever they’ve put him on is wearing him out . . . how long does he have to stay?”
“Over night,” Eiri replied automatically, his eyes landing on his lover’s pale face. “For observation. The test results should be back by then.”
How Tohma had known that Shuichi had to stay in the hospital, Eiri couldn’t say. He didn’t care, either. He was just grateful that the blond-haired man was there. His brother-in-law’s presence gave him an added anchor that he so desperately needed at that moment. He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.
“He said I got Shuichi here in time . . . it wasn’t too serious . . .”
“That is good then,” Tohma murmured. “Isn’t it?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, Eiri gently took his lover’s hand into his own. Then he leaned forward and kissed Shuichi lightly on the forehead. There was something greater happening with the younger man, something the novelist couldn’t identify. It threatened to take away the one person he loved more than most. Eiri felt it in the pit of his stomach, but he knew that he had to be the one to persevere, for both his and Shuichi’s sake. That knowledge filled him with determination. He wasn’t going to lose Shuichi to anyone or anything. He swore that he wouldn’t and he was not about to back out on that kind of a promise. Ever.