[Admin] Memories, Tags, and More

Mar 17, 2006 13:38

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another semi-update!

Read this if you want to avoid getting a warning from the mods!

Please make sure that when you post your works, you follow the format for your subject lines EXACTLY AS FOLLOWS:
#Theme: theme name (Title, by Your Name)

If you use an alternative list:
Greek "Letter" #Theme: theme name (Title, by Your Name)

ETA: From now on, if you do not wish to use [Archive] you do not have to. But if you DO NOT want your works organized into the Memories, you MUST use [No Archive] in your subject line!

For example:
#02: news (The Morning Daily, by Azurite)
Alpha #02: urban (City Streets, by Azurite)

YOU DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE THE PAIRING OR THE FANDOM. We will pull that information from the body of your entry, and place it into the appropriate sections.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE THE FULL THEME NAME if you're only using part of it. For example, Theme #02 on the original list is news; letter. That means if you choose "news" just type 'news' in your subject line. If you just use "letter," then just type 'letter.' IF AND ONLY IF you use both themes should you type out the whole theme. We have some very lengthy themes (If only I could make you mine... & violence; pillage/plunder; extortion) where you should only type the necessary words (no ellipses or other special punctuation), or where you should choose ONLY ONE of the listed themes.

Single-digit themes should ALWAYS have a 0 prefixing them. That is:
#01, #02, #03, #04, #05, #06, #07, #08, #09
Also note that there is no space between the # symbol and the numbers! This saves space in the subject lines for the titles of the Memories.

You may use your LJ user name for your Author Name if you wish. But do NOT type it in LJ code.

For example:
#02: news (The Morning Daily, by the_sweet)

#02: news (The Morning Daily, by the_sweet)

It'll show up fine in your subject line when you post, but when we try to add it to the Memories, it takes us longer to edit the code out, because LJ code doesn't work in the Memories.

Finally, the 'Important Pages' section of the Memories will shortly be removed. All the Important Pages will go under the appropriate sections prefixed with an exclamation point.

For example:

Everyone SHOULD start tagging entries, whether the entries belong to you or not. So please tag according to the following system:
(1) Everything should be lowercased (no Mixed Case tags, and no UPPERCASE-ONLY tags)
(2) fandom name
(3) characters in pairing (as they are listed on the Claims List)
(4) list (30kisses, alpha, beta, delta, gamma, epsilon, eta, zeta...) AND theme# and name (#02, and news; letter) - The THEME listed here should be listed EXACTLY as it is given on the User Info/Claims List/Rules page.

To clarify (all of the below should be listed WITHOUT THE QUOTES)
#02 should be listed as "news; letter" (with both themes and a space after the semi-colon)
#03 should be listed as "jolt!" (with the exclamation point)
#05 should be listed as "ano sa" (NOT the translation, "hey, you know...")
#10 should be listed as "#10" (with the number sign)
#14 should be listed as "radio-cassette player" (with the hyphen between radio and cassette)
#16 should be listed as "invincible; unrivaled" (with both themes and a space after the semi-colon)
#17 should be listed as "khz" (all lowercased)
#18 should be listed as "say ahh..." (NOT "a~n?")
#21 should be listed as "violence; pillage/plunder; extortion" (with ALL three themes listed, even if you just used one; with the space after all the semi-colons, and the slash between pillage and plunder)
#28 should be listed as "wada calcium cd3" (nothing capitalized)

For example:
For my above example "#02: news (The Morning Daily, by Azurite)"
it would have the following tags: 30kisses #02, news; letter, yu-gi-oh!, kaiba seto x mazaki anzu

For my alternative list example: "Alpha #02: urban (City Streets, by Azurite)"
it would have the following tags: alpha #02, urban, yu-gi-oh!, kaiba seto x mazaki anzu

Go here for additional details.

Ratings System
You're welcome to use the MPAA or FictionRatings.com systems as well, BUT YOU HAVE TO USE OUR RATINGS for the posts you make to our community. Mods will warn anyone that neglects to include one of our ratings! Details are here.

memories, tagging, rules, ratings system, admin

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