tm 220 -- 372 words

Mar 03, 2008 11:58

If you could buy a magic potion, what would it be?

I ain't the best at makin' potions, never have been, always been better with words rather than ingredients and shite like that. Somethin' about how cookin' is a science. Or maybe that's bakin', I ain't sure. I like bakin' though. Eating it. Not doin' the actual bakin'.

Though I do like bacon.

Y'know those sound the same? S'interestin' I think, gettin' two words together that sound the same. I'd try an think of more but I ain't in the most...well I ain't really in me head at all. That'd be some show t'see, me crawling up inside my head like one a'those cartoons where they got the little levers in the brain and makin' people walk like fuckin' zombies all over.

Or that movie with the rat. Ratatouille. I liked that. I can't normally watch TV since me energy fucks up the screens an' shite like that but I can go t'the movie theatre an makin' sure I sit far enough away from the projector machine an' I don't fuck it all to hell.

So it's a story 'bout a little rat who don't like bein' a rat and he wants t'be a chef an' in some ways I think that's like me sometimes 'cause I don't like bein' an exorcist all the time cause y'know people think I'm a freak. Don't give a shite what they think but still I wish I'd been somethin' else.

Course not a chef, I can't cook for shite.

So anyways s'a rat an' he gets lost except he's in Paris all along and he meets this kid and they turn into a tag team cooking machine an' he's driving the kid by pullin' on his hair and then they save the restaurant an' it's super popular even when the creepy guy from the paper comes and they freak out about rats. Dunno why they freak out about t'rats cause rats are clean an it'd be cool if the movie was real cause there's a rat in my apartment an' he likes bacon too.

Or well...there was a rat in my apartment. I got rid of him awhile back. Didn't really mean to...

Y'know, rat rhymes w'cat. Like bakin' and bacon. Think it's a sign...m'gonna git a cat. Yeah.

Shite, I like these new meds.

John Constantine
Hellblazer (Misc Comics)
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