Meki/Yuku - Original fiction - #08 - Kitchen

Jan 29, 2010 23:08

Title: The Wine Isn't Poisoned But the Smiles Are
Fandom: Original fiction.
Characters: Meki/Yuku
Theme: #08 - Kitchen
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Liang Wang-ai decides that the parents of his best friend probably eat puppies. Live puppies. Or something.
Disclaimer: Meki and Yuku are mine. It is advised they remain mine, because they're really just two sick bastards I can't imagine anyone else wanting.

He finds them in the kitchen, stumbling downstairs at one in the morning to get a drink for his sore throat-it's always so warm in Ray's room, it drives Liang crazy.

And it's not that Liang ever expected them to be sleeping or anything. In fact, it did once occur to him that Yuku at least never sleeps at all. Evil never sleeps, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

He just didn't expect them to be standing so calmly by the kitchen table, laughing and-Liang supposes it's the lights and his sleepy eyes-all but glowing with something like fire.

Oh. There are lit candles all over the table. That explains it. Sort of.

Yuku is dressed as he was earlier in red silk and black leather, barefoot and one hand holding a wine glass full of liquid the colour of blood. In the light he looks something more than human. He is smiling, and in the flickering shadows the flames make in the darker corners of the room, he reminds Liang of a fox.

What gets Liang, however, is that Yuku's other hand is resting atop a flame. Directly on the flame. No two ways about it. Liang stops at the bottom of the stairs and rubs his eyes, but the scene doesn't change. And as he looks on, he sees Meki, still in beige cashmere and still with a pen behind his ear, glance down at Yuku's hand on the candle, frowning in disapproval. Yuku follows Meki's eyes, says something in a language Liang does not understand at all, and flicks his fingers towards Meki.

Liang swears the flames follow, but the only result is that suddenly Yuku's burned hand is wrapped around Meki's wrist, and Meki is setting down his own glass, quite hard. Wine sloshes over the side. Meki is in considerable pain; Liang can see that much.

"Dance with me," Yuku demands, his eyes glittering, and Meki looks like he is about to say something, maybe, Liang hopes, something like "oh my god my husband is a pyromaniac, this could be a serious burn, we need to go to a hospital!"

But then Meki just laughs and follows Yuku into a complicated waltz-type dance that also looks painful to Liang, and Liang finally has to cough and walk slowly into the kitchen.

Meki and Yuku cease their dance, and turn to smile at Liang as he shuffles over to the tap, picking up a clean glass from the counter on his way.

"Good evening, my dear child," Yuku says, as though he is pleased in one aspect at having a half-asleep, already seemingly unnerved for reasons Yuku does not know, Liang to torment, and concerned in another. "Why are you awake?"

"Water," Liang answers, stuttering a little. "Just wanted some water. Sore throat."

Meki considers this, picking up his glass again and sipping from it for a moment. "You know, you can turn the heater in Ray's room down. He's asleep, yes?"


"He won't notice, then!"

Liang looks at them as he drinks his water. He thinks, predator. There is something wrong here. There are candles. There is wine. There are burn marks on hands and wrists. There is mad laughter and strangely slanted eyes and-

On the wall, they make shadows, and the shadows are different, there's something wrong with the shadows-

Meki's smile makes Liang want to run away.

"Is that all, my dear?" Yuku asks him, running his hand absently over the row of candle flames.

Yuku has teeth. Liang is not sure if Yuku has properly noticed this before, but even when Yuku is smiling kindly and offering to help you, he has teeth. They are perfectly normal teeth. It's just that somehow, on Yuku, they look like prime murder weapons.

Liang does not say anything. He sets his glass in the sink and walks as quickly away as he can without seeming too rude.
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