Bridge/Sky - Power Rangers SPD - #26 Snuggle

May 02, 2008 20:49

Title: Snuggle
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Characters: Bridge Carson/Sky Tate
Theme: #26 Snuggle
Rating: G
Summary: Does what it says on the tin.
Disclaimer/Author's Notes/Spoiler Warning: The characters do not belong to me.


"Not tonight."

"C'mon, pleeeease?" An all-too-familiar glare (admist some sleepy blinking) was all Bridge got in response to his pleading.

"I said no, just in case you didn't hear me the first 5 or 6 times. I'm just not in the mood to do... that tonight, I want to sleep by myself for once."

"Alright." Bridge sighed with defeat and left Sky's bedside, climbing into his own bunk and closing his eyes, hugging his pillow. He couldn't help but feel a little hurt at his boyfriend's curtness and his refusal; it was perfectly normal for Sky to be that snippy in public, of course, and Bridge was too used it to it there to be affected much by it. But in private he was almost always softer, gentler, more loving... It was also unusual for the two to not be sleeping together in the close confines of a single bunk nowadays. It was so unusual, in fact, that Bridge actually found it difficult to drift off now, badly wanting to be next to his boyfriend, feeling the presence of another body close by, flesh pressing against flesh... Sky quite obviously did not share that want, however, as his quiet snores soon filled the room. Bridge finally managed to fall asleep himself soon after, thankful that at least that familiar noise could lull him.

"GAH!" Bridge yelped some time later when another person's hand on his shoulder abruptly startled him awake, and he felt the hand twitch, rolled over to find himself staring into Sky's mildly surprised face. "Oh... sorry, sorry, you scared me. Did you need something?" Sky grumbled something that almost sounded apologetic under his breath as he got into bed with Bridge. "...Oh, of course. You won't say it, but I know what you're here for. But I thought you weren't in the mood? Unless you thought you weren't but you really were, you just didn't want to admit it because even now when we've been dating for a while you're too proud to ask for-" Bridge's ramblings were silenced when Sky kissed him on the lips, long and hard, a hand on the back of his head pushing him into it.

"...Shut up," Sky mumbled against Bridge's lips when he was done, though not pulling away from him.

"You know you just need to ask when you want to, right? No matter how macho and masculine you are outside of the bedroom, I keep telling you, you should never be too proud to tell your boyfriend when you want to cuddle. I like it when we do."

"I said shut up. Let's not think or talk about it and just do it, alright?" Bridge gave a mock sigh of exhasperation before resting his head on Sky's shoulder, turning so that he could take in his boyfriend's scent. He always smelled like something comforting that Bridge could not quite identify... and today, on top of that, like his favorite body wash and aftershave. Bridge scooted up a little, pulled off one of the special fabric gloves built into his pajamas that covered his hands, put the hand on Sky's arm, and kissed that freshly-shaven jawline. He was pleased when he could feel goosebumps rising on his boyfriend's skin, and even more importantly, feel his emotions changing- love and contentedness rising to cut through the usual emotional barriers Sky had carefully constructed, walls that Bridge had been breaking one by one and went down easier and easier the more time went on.

Satisfied, Bridge slid the glove back on and let his own arms drop to his sides. Sky took his cue, and the two snuggled as close together as they could get, Sky's blue t-shirt and gray pajama pants rubbing against the soft green fabric of Bridge's pajamas. Bridge felt his own giddy shiver of happiness when one arm wrapped protectively around his body even while a strong but gentle hand began to run through his hair, stroking it, and Sky's beautiful lips brushed against the top of his head. There no longer needed to be any words spoken between them... these gestures were quite enough, until some time later, when...

"Sleep," was Sky's request, murmured but still forceful, a command.

A command that Bridge was only too happy to comply with.
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