Title: The Birds And The Otters
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Akanishi Jin/Kamenashi Kazuya
Theme: #14 - Trees
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Somo: Jin watches Doubutsuen and now wants Kame to bite all his food into tiny-sized portions. He also comes across an epiphany, "wait, you mean those kinds of advances don't work?"
A/N: Written for Somo's prompt from
the Akame fic meme. ♥ I tried to keep it as canonically correct as it can be from an Akame fangirl's point of view. XD The Doubutsuen episode Jin was supposed to have watched was the one from 2008.03.08. You can download it
here, or you can watch Kame's part on online streaming sites, but "Jin's epiphany" is not included in Kame's part.
(BTW. This is not related to the story in any case, but
WATCH THIS TO SEE AIBA'S PROPOSAL. Aiba, you're such a silly womanizer, I love you. ♥)
Beta-ed by
xshinystars. Thank you!
Word Count: 1,903
The Birds And The Otters