Like the vital gore in our veins, the Jungle Drums throb in our ears, calling on Mother Nature’s odious offspring to once again haul their tail-feathers down to the National Zoo for the dreadful delight that is Freak Day!
Our Horde-to-be-Abhorred will amass at the Zoo Bar (
zoobardc ) across the street from the Zoo’s Connecticut Ave. entrance for food, drink an’ convivial flea-pickin’ at Noon O’clock, before we descend on the park like a scourge of leather-clad locust, hungry for fun! This’ll happen Rain or Shine, so make sure yer hide is hidden or suitably loobed!
Now, harken well, filthy anthropoids! What is the Law?! It’s their jungle, so it’s what they say it is, an’ we don’t poop where we pig out. So walk on two legs an’ keep yer monstrous monkey-business to a human level, or at least don’t get caught, or you’ll find yerself in the “House of Pain”, cheerfully overseen by a Rodent of Unusual Depravity, faster than you can say “Mufasa”!