Title: Nesting (2/?)
Fandom: Chojin Sentai Jetman
Pairing: Tendou Ryu/Yuuki Gai
Theme: #25, Our tomorrow
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: AU, post series
The light was blinding. Ryu threw the blankets over his head in a desperate attempt to block it out-- but someone yanked them away.
“Mm… Gai?” Ryu blinked up at him blearily. “You’re still here-- and up at this hour of day.” He frowned slightly. “Are you up to something?”
“If making sure you’re finally getting your ass out of bed is being ‘up to something’, then yes I am.” Gai grinned unpleasantly as he tossed Ryu a shirt and jeans. “C’mon. What we ate last night was the last of the food, so we need to go shopping--”
It was Gai’s turn to frown as Ryu tugged on his jeans. “Don’t you still have a couple of days of vacation left?”
“Yes, but I’m meeting with Chokan. Learning about what direction Sky Force is going in now that the Vyram are gone,” Ryu explained as he slipped on the shirt.
“Right, God forbid you spend a day outside of the base.” There was no real malice in Gai’s tone as he lit up a smoke while Ryu ducked into the bathroom. Ryu was a workaholic’s workaholic, after all. “But Ryu, at some point today we need to--”
“Maybe tomorrow?” Ryu smiled at him briefly, and then he was gone. Gai could hear the car starting up, leaving him alone in the apartment.
Well, someone needed to do the shopping.
Gai had no idea how housewives did this.
He was currently inspecting two different types of beef. One was a little cheaper, but there was a lot less meat than the other, not to mention being cut differently. Of course, this whole thing could have been solved this morning if Ryu had stuck around long enough to freaking tell him what kind of meat he like-- but that would have involved Gai telling him he was doing his grocery shopping for him in the first place. Never mind.
“Someone please tell me why I’m doing this in the first place?”
“Because you’re a masochist?”
“Ako!” Sure enough, there she was, pushing a cart full of food. Gai was happy to see her… and then annoyed as he remembered yesterday. “I thought you were too busy studying to leave the house.”
She laughed lightly as she got some beef of her own. “Well, it’s bad to study too hard, right? Besides, my mom asked me.” She took the more expensive beef from Gai’s hand and placed back with the rest. “Trust me, always go with the cheaper one if you can.” Ako pushed the cart in the direction of the shrimp. “I’m about to check out-- how about you?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Gai tucked the beef under his arm as he followed her. He’d finish this later, when there weren’t any teenagers annoying him.
“Good, you can give me details about your tryst with Ryu while we’re checking out!”
Gai had to lean against the canned yams to keep his balance. “I-- Ako-- what the hell?!”
Ako blinked at him. “Well, Kaori told me she saw you at his place last night so I just figured…”
Oh, right. Ako was Kaori’s best friend, of course she’d know. “It’s not like that.”
“You’re kidding.” Ako pouted, putting her hands on her hips. “You mean you weren’t even tempted to throw yourself at him and scream, ‘Ryu! Kaori was just a fling-- you’re the one I love! So do all sorts of naughty things to me already, damn it!’”
Gai wasn’t sure what was worse. The fact that Ako was attracting stares… or that an eighteen-year-old girl had just done a surprisingly accurate impersonation of his voice. “Weren’t we checking out?”
“Right!” Ako’s tone was upbeat as she led them. “The sooner we get you back to Ryu, the sooner I have the possibility of getting details of you two finally surrendering to your passions.”
Gai bit back a groan. Work or not, from now on Ryu was doing the shopping.