(no subject)

Aug 16, 2010 22:50

Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Title: Shrink mode
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 5. Facade
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: M
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):

"George, you can stop your façade any time.” Elliot said with a huff.
“What façade?” George asked him.

“Your shrink mode thing. You always act like nothing is interesting at all. At any given moment you could be terrified or ecstatic and no one would be able to tell.”

“Psychiatrists require walls that are impossible to get through. It’s hard to tear them down for anyone.”

“Even for me?” Elliot asked.

“I’m trying.”

“I only know of one way to make your professionalism collapse.”

“I don’t feel much like physical therapy today.”

“Fine.” Elliot said, pouting. George sighed.

“I love you though.” George said, reaching up and drawing Elliot into a kiss.

“You too.” Elliot said softly. He brightened suddenly. “I know a way to get through the walls without sex…”

“Oh?” George asked with his eyebrows raised.

“Yes.” Elliot insisted. He touched a sensitive spot on George’s stomach. George laughed and tried to get away, but Elliot didn’t relent.

“Isn’t tickling for kindergarteners?” George said between laughs. Elliot shrugged.

“Maybe but this is fun.” He said with a smirk.
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