[FIC: Playing, Firefly, Mal/Simon, Rated PG-13]

Nov 07, 2006 11:13

Title: Playing
Claim: Mal/Simon
Challenge: Ficlets
Prompt Set Five
Prompt(s): #5, Play
Rating: PG
Timeline: Post series, Pre Serenity
Disclaimer: Firefly and it’s characters do not belong to me. They belong to the godlike genius of Joss Whedon. I only get to play with them every once in a while.
Summary/Warnings: slash

They’re in the mess, just Mal and Simon. Mal is focused on cleaning his weapons, most of them taking up the dining table and all of the kitchen counters. In addition to that, his captain logs lay scattered on the floor, a not-so-subtle reminder from Zoe that they’re due for a checkpoint in about two weeks, and he’s behind on them. They still aren’t sure what they’re gonna do with Simon and River at that time, but Mal refuses to make them leave the ship, and he refuses to turn them into the Alliance. They’re not sure if Parliament took the Alliance’s Operative’s word and are no longer hunting down the Tams, but they’re not taking chances.

Simon, curled up in one of the rockers that he’d dragged into the kitchen, is alternating reading a book on Earth-That-Was on Asian Third World History and watching Mal.

“We’re gonna die.” River pokes her head into the mess, looking intently at Simon. He looks up, alarmed, afraid the mess inside her head that’s subsided since Miranda has come back. Until he sees the look she’s giving him, only then does he relax, because he knows she only wants to play like they did when they were younger.

Mal is giving her a funny look, and Simon shuts his book, deciding to play along. “Who is creating the newest even of impending doom?” Simon asks. He shoots Mal a look that clearly asks him to just let her talk.

“The Samurai from the Ming Dynasty.” River replies, face solemn, but her eyes betraying her and showing her happiness.

“Really? What did they do?”

“They only had swords, and we had guns. There’s no problem there.” Simon grins, then glances down at his book. It’s not one of the normal situations she’s tossed at him, and he loves it. She’s probably grabbed the swords from Mal’s story of the Alliance Operative’s obsession with killing people by making them fall on a sword, and then information from his book, but that makes it all the more interesting and easier to play along.

“They made a truce with the Huns.”

“Hwun dahns!” He exclaims, and Mal’s head whips around from where he was watching River to stare incredulously at Simon.

“You swear?” Mal demands.

River smirks at him. “Only since he was 10. Father let him get away with murder.”
Mal looks impressed, then focuses back on the game Simon and River had been playing.

“So, what’s so bad about the Huns?”

“They had access to the forts, and stole the gentry’s artillery.”

“Jien tah dah guay!” River grins as Simon and Mal blink at each other, surprised at their unison outburst.

Simon blushes and looks away, biting his lip.

Mal looks away too, unsure of what to do. Simon is nervous, and he, well, he is suddenly considering kissing Simon. Which is a surprise, because after River’s little revelation he’s thought about kissing him, but he never actually thought he’d want to act on it. It had all be purely hypothetical.

And of course, in true River form, she chooses that moment to pipe up. “Experimental is always more fun that theoretical.”

Simon’s head snaps back to focus on her at that comment, clearly surprised. “What was that?”

River just grins and points to Mal, then skips off.

Simon turns to look at Mal, confused and still blushing, a look that Mal shouldn’t find nearly as endearing as he does. He stands, moving closer to Simon, leaning against the table next to him. He grins, looking as calm as ever, a contrast to his brain that is frantically asking him if he is really going to do this, is really going to kiss Simon. “I’m thinking that she wants me to kiss you.”

Simon’s jaw drops, and he looks shocked. Then he snaps his mouth shut, and slides his chair back, standing. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” He walks over to the sink, leaning over it, palms pressed tightly to the edge of the counter.

Mal follows him, standing just behind Simon, a hair’s breath of air between them. “Why not? You’re attracted to me, I’ve realized my attraction to you, thanks to your sister’s revelations.”

Simon turns to face him. “It wouldn’t work.” He tries to flee, but is trapped by Mal’s hands on the counter on either side of his hips.


“Because I want more than sex.”

Mal blinks at that, momentarily surprised, but not enough for Simon to escape. Then a slow grin slides on his face, and he leans in closer. “What makes you think I don’t? I’m doing more than just playing around. This isn’t a game like the one we just played with River.”

“I’d really prefer it if you didn’t bring up my -“ he’s cut off by Mal’s lips covering his. It’s a soft, sweet kiss, something Simon would have never expected from Mal, and when Mal pulls away, Simon blinks hard. “Um. Oh man.”

Mal smiles at him. “Problems?”

Simon blinks again. “Uh, no?” It’s slightly unsure, as if Simon isn’t sure he’s dreaming, and Mal kisses him again, to prove it. This one is completely different, hard and demanding, with Mal all but devouring his mouth.

They finally part when they hear a yelp and crash, and Mal looks around. In the entryway, Kaylee is standing looking like a very surprised statue, a shattered plate on the floor.”I - uh - I was just…returning my plate ‘cause I ate in the engine room, but since you guys are busy I’ll just be….somewhere else.” She stammers, hands making a motion towards the door. Whether she’s going to hide in her bunk or the engine room, Mal’s not sure, but before he can ask, she’s gone, practically running back the way she came.

A few kisses later, Simon has to go back to work, and Mal has to return to his captain-y duties, but every time he passes the window to the infirmary and sees Simon reading and smiling softly to himself, fingers absently brushing his lips, it just puts Mal in a better mood, and if Simon looks that handsome when he’s happy, he’s going to make a point to kiss him senseless every day.

simon, mal/simon, mal

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