Last 4 Spike Quote Ficlets, Prompts #7, 6, 19, 36

Aug 23, 2009 17:30

Title: Different Paths
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Angel/Buffy
Rating: PG13
Content: not much
Word Count: 123
Summary: Two vampires take very different paths to wind up in the same place.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #7, "The roads might be different, but the place we end up is the same"

Spike watched as Angel lifted the glass of Irish to his lips, took a sip, savored it, then tossed back his own, smirking at the look of resigned horror on his sire's face.


"Bog trotter."

Seated between them, Buffy rolled her eyes and sipped from her own glass. "You two are never going to change."

Both males grinned at her. "Why should we?" asked the younger. "You love us just the way we are."

"More fool me," she groused beneath her breath but couldn't help smiling as the two males in her life and heart continued their bickering. Obstinate about being different, and yet they both were souled vampires in love with a Slayer. Both heroes who'd saved the world.

Both her beloveds.


Title: Too Perfect
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Buffy/Angel
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 116
Summary: Perfect happiness...again.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #6, "The tragedy called history will just be repeated"

Spike knew it was coming. It was inevitable and he was unable to prevent it. All he could do was watch and be prepared to pick up the pieces.

His sire's reunion with Buffy had gone too far, too fast, been too perfect.


Would they never learn?

Hesitantly he approached the bedroom, relief flooding him as he heard her heartbeat, sorrow joining the relief as he smelled her tears and heard her whimpers of loss.

He'd take care of her first, then he'd go after Angelus and this time the witch was either supergluing that soul to him or he'd stake the bastard himself.

And maybe this time, this time, Buffy would turn to him.


Title: Three Little Words
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG13
Content: hope
Word Count: 145
Summary: Spike hears those three little words every time he falls asleep.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #19, "The haunting words are a gentle illusion"

'I love you.'

The words await him every time he falls asleep. He dreams of her saying them as he burns--the reality--as he makes love to her--the fantasy.

Sometimes she sobs them; sometimes she whispers them in his ear. Once they're in a meadow of flowers beneath the warm sun and he's not burning and she's laughing in his arms, babbling the words over and over again until he kisses her with all the love inside him.

Another time they're trapped together, and as the air runs out her last words are 'I love you'.

In reality he chose not to believe them. It was easier to let her go that way.

But, now that he's back, solid and real, he wishes he'd said 'I love you, too'.

Maybe then he'd find the courage to pick up the phone and call her.


Title: Not Fatesbitch
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 113
Summary: It was Spike's choice, not fate's.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #36, "Does the walker choose the path or does the path choose the walker?"

Spike doesn't believe in destiny. He scoffs at anyone who tries to tell him that he was fated all along to fall in love with a Slayer and fight for his soul so he'd be worthy of her.

These were choices he made. He chose to love her, unnatural as it was. He chose to win his soul for her. Then he chose to die to save the world. The last was partly selfish. He had no desire to let Angel get the glory again.

Choices not destiny. He'll go to his grave a third time believing that.

He's love's bitch; he fully admits that.

He refuses to be fate's bitch as well.

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