Title: When Twilight Dawns
Author/Artist: Crystal Rose of Pollux (
Theme(s): 23; There is a moment when fears and dreams must collide
Character: the Dying Informant
Fandom: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine (unless otherwise noted) and the story is!
Cross-posted to other LJ comms and my journal
When Twilight Dawns )
Comments 2
XD He's good at doing that.
**yells Haddockisms at Double Trouble**
**pets the h/c** I loved writing the intense scene, especially the opening one. I had a very clear idea of the image, and I love how it turned out. X3
**yells Haddockisms at the double, too** I think it's a wonderful irony how he intended to make the Techie feel worse, but it was his interference that ended up helping him fight back.
**pets epilogue and hugs the guys**
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