(no subject)

Feb 20, 2007 09:22

Title: Hallow Eve
Rating: Teen, it's a darker piece.
Prompt: 29. life goes on.
A/N: Concrit is welcome.
Summary: The dark, it was the thing she hated most about Halloween.

The dark, it was the thing she hated most about Halloween. It was dark and cold. It was always cold and dark, and empty. She spent most of the night sitting in her apartment with the lights off, nursing a bottle of cheap alcohol praying that some bratty kids wouldn’t come pounding on her door. She didn’t normally like watching old black and white movies, but there was something about the day that made them seem all the more fitting.

Sometimes after she’d had a sufficient amount to drink, when her normally nimble fingers began to fumble and slip, she’d dig through the boxes filled with old memories and stale crumbling paper and pull out one of the few remaining home videos.

Sitting tucked in her chair, toes curled around the cushion, she’d watch them, over and over until satisfied, the memories seared in her mind, were thrown into the fireplace where they sizzled and crackled melting to be forgotten for the last time.

They where her skeletons, her Halloween ghosts. The smiling faces, the cheery words, like masks and cloaks hiding fading bruises, broken souls. It had been her life of pretend, the one where monsters made regular appearances hidden in the smell of beer and sex. Where ghouls and goblins lived in every corner waiting to pounce and sneer. Harsh stinging words burned in her soul like the flickering taunting light that poured from the jack-o-lanterns at her window.

Small flames long ago extinguished left blistering bubbling wounds, contents in a cauldron from which her life had sprung. Or so it seemed. The wide grinning smile, gentle laugh, well practiced at once appeared. It was her life, the trick or treat, the unknown and unwanted hiding around every corner. Dark and foreboding, fear spiking as black clad figured past, those of friends and family. It was dark. It was always dark.


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