Here's the current claims list!
Enies Lobby and Return to Water 7 - Round #6
Gold Roger Eligibility - July 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011
Silvers Rayleigh Eligibility - November 1, 2011 - July 31, 2012
Note: All finishers will be removed from the list and can be found on the linked Gold Roger page.
Comments 35
Absolutely! Claim accepted!
Note: this was posted from my iPhone so I can't edit the post until I boot up my laptop but fear not the Crocodile claim is yours :)
On t'other paw, I've seen quite a fair number of fics done with Merry (the ship) as a character (and Oda does tend to write/draw Merry as being personified, too).
Personally, these would be my suggestions:
1. Claim the Going Merry's klabutermann specifically
2. Claim the Going Merry itself (which may open up more otpions).
Claiming "klabautermanns" in general would require you to include EVERY klabautermann in the entire series (and assuming most if not all of the ships in the series have one, that's a lot). It would be like trying to claim "pirates" or "Marines" or "women Sanji hasn't slept with" - there are a LOT of things in these categories.
Please let us know what you'd like to do :)
But I certainly think it makes sense that this would be too broad for this sort of thing and doesn't really fit in with the set things for the comm, if you guys aren't so sure about it.
Can I claim LuccixKaku??
(Dixxy will get it added to the list when she can!)
Also I guess that means I drop my Sanji claim for round foooour...? I think. Uh, does that mean that if I ever pick it up again I have to write new ones for the two I've already written?
So I don't think you have to drop either of your other claims to take this one, since you've got a good dozen pieces done between the two. You can, if you want, though.
Not sure about what happens to the two you've done for that round if you drop the claim and pick it up again later; they would, in any case, stay up on the comm.
If you do decide to drop your Round4 claim, please pop over to the Round4 claim post and do it there so Misha sees it, 'kay?
As far as I can see, you should be good to claim Usopp for this round, though. :D
Yay Usopp!
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