Title: The Story Game
Theme: #9- Kingdom
Claim: Robin
Words: 1244
Rating: K+ or T if language counts.
Warning: Despite my claim, this one is more focused on the whole entire crew, which means Robin has less dialogue because she’s quiet like that.
Ah well, I had fun with this. We actually played this game in my summer class today, except it was nowhere near as fun. The people in my class have no imaginations AT ALL. D:
“Nami, when’s the rain gonna stop?”
“I told you, in an while!”
“I’m boooored.” Luffy flopped off his chair and stared glumly at everyone’s feet spread around the aquarium bar. He jumped back up and mashed his lips and nose against the glass, making faces at the fish.
“Luffy, stop that. You’re leaving saliva all over the glass.” Sanji said without looking up from his gourmet magazine.
“Wha- oh, that’s just gross!” Franky ran over to pull Luffy away.
“But I’m boooored! Let’s play a game or something!” Luffy announced. At that moment, Usopp came inside, soaked to the skin and water dripping off the tip of his nose.
“It’s raining pretty hard out there. Why, I saw fish swimming up against the rain up to the clouds!” Usopp waved his arms.
“Whoa! Is that even possible?!” Chopper perked up.
“Of course! I saw it with my own two eyes!”
“There’s fish swimming in the sky? No way!” Luffy began running around. “Guys! Let’s go outside to see the sky fish!”
“He’s just lying again.” Zoro grumbled.
“Aaaugh.” Luffy stopped spinning and fell onto the table where Nami, Sanji, and Robin were reading. He glanced at each of them sneakily, none of the three taking notice of him. A grin spread on Luffy’s face and he stretched out his tongue, snatching Sanji’s magazine out of his hands.
“Oi!” Sanji jerked back in surprise. “Luffy you shitty moron, give that back!”
“Chase me!” Luffy jumped away, the magazine crumbling into the maw of his left cheek. “Lesh play tag, Shanji!”
“On second thought, keep it.” Sanji sat back down and scowled. Luffy frowned and spat out the wet magazine.
Luffy turned to the rest of the crew lazing around in the blue-tinged room. “PLAY WITH ME!”
Brook, who had been quietly sitting in a corner fixing his violin strings, stood up. “Ah, I do remember one game I always played with my old crew whenever we were forced inside by the weather.”
“Really? Let’s play then!” Luffy eagerly said. “Everybody, come to the table!”
No one moved.
“Captain’s orders!”
With a few grumbles (namely from Zoro) and a couple of yawns, Luffy managed to crowd everyone around him at the table.
“So when do we get to blow stuff up?” Luffy asked, looking expectantly at Brook.
“… There is no violence involved in this game, Luffy-san.”
“Ah, that’s boring!” Luffy huffed.
“Please, at least give it a chance!” Brook hastily said. “We always called it the Story Game- our deckhand taught it to us. One person begins a story with a single sentence and each person adds to it as it progresses. Quite simple, really. Sanji-san, would you like to begin?”
“Eh, why not?” Sanji tapped his fingers on the table. “Okay, uh, once upon a time, there was a beautiful golden-haired angelic princess trapped in a tower, waiting for a prince to rescue her.”
“Che.” Zoro snorted. “Except she contracted a terrible disease that made all her hair fall out and she went bald.”
“Sanji-kun, it’s my turn!” Nami pulled Sanji back down in his seat. “The bald princess then got out of the tower by herself using her stealth and set out to search for… a treasure! A treasure worth a thousand kingdoms!”
“But the treasure was guarded by a fearsome dragon named Usoppogon!” Usopp pounded his chest, pleased with himself.
“Whoaaa!” Chopper’s eyes sparkled. “My turn! The bald princess eventually reached the treasure guarded by Usoppogon, but Usoppogon proved to be too powerful and awesome for the princess to get past!”
“Then the princess realized she needed a power-up, so she went to a nearest town to find some cola.” Franky said, proud with his idea.
“No! No! She had to find meat!” Luffy caught Franky’s warning glare. “Okay, fine, she needed to find cola and meat. The princess found the cola and meat and became really strong and her fists grew spikes and she grew wings and she got laser-vision!”
“Yohoho. How exciting!” Brook rubbed his jaw. “The bald spiky-flying-laser-blasting princess flew back to the dragon Usoppogon’s lair to engage in a fierce battle for the treasure!”
“Despite her upgrades, the dragon proved to be too tough for the princess and he ate her after burning her into a melted, disfigured lump with his flames.” Robin said. Everyone looked at her in shock.
“Robin-chaan!” Sanji whined.
“I liked it.” Zoro shrugged. “Anyways, Usoppogon then went on a rampage and set out to destroy the kingdom… of Retardia."
“MARIMO! Except some stupid green-headed moron got in Usoppogon’s path and he was crushed into a pancake by the dragon’s foot!”
“THEN THE DRAGON CAME ACROSS AN IDIOTIC CURLY-BROWED CHEF AND-“ Zoro was knocked down by Nami. She held up a fist warningly and Sanji sat back down.
“It’s my turn.” Nami said. “The kingdom of Retardia- oh, don’t give me that look Sanji-kun- began to prepare for battle against the mighty dragon.”
“They gathered all the other neighboring kingdoms and animals of the forests, too!” Chopper bounced up and down in his seat.
“However, oh ho ho ho, the mighty Usoppogon knew of the kingdoms’ plans and gathered his own clan of dragons to aid him!” Usopp crowed.
“Yeah! Dragons with machinery parts and cannons and all sorts of super weapons!” Franky nodded. “They began their plot to fight against the kingdoms.”
“The day arrived of the battle between Usoppogon and the Kingdom of Retardia.” Brook said.
“They ate lots of meat beforehand so the knights and dragons and all the fighters had these awesome claws and horns and there were giant beetles and monster-rhinos and really big flying fish and a reaaaally big turtle in the army too.” Luffy said. Everyone looked at him blankly.
“Can anyone possibly top that?” Sanji glanced around.
“However, at the last minute, an enormous crevasse opened in the earth and swallowed all of the warriors and dragons and… beetles… immediately burning them alive in the lava below.” Robin spoke up.
“You just killed everyone!” Luffy accused.
“Way to ruin the story- OW!” Zoro scowled as Sanji kicked him below the table. “What?! She did kill everyone!”
“Except for Usoppogon. He survived.” Robin added in.
“I like that ending.” Usopp decided.
“It was quite an exhilarating story.” Brook agreed.
“Did everyone just forget about the treasure?” Nami asked indignantly. “You know, the one worth a thousand kingdoms!”
“I think Usoppogon got the treasure at the end.” Chopper carefully said.
“Well put!” Usopp grinned.
“Oi, the rain stopped!” Franky realized.
“YAAY!” Luffy shouted. He crawled over Sanji, Robin, Nami, and Usopp to get to the door and dashed outside, cheering and rolling around in the wet grass.
“Wait for us Luffy!” Chopper called. He, Usopp, and Brook ran after him, laughing as the warm sun hit their faces.
“Good, I can finally take my nap.” Zoro grunted, going outside to settle down by the railing. Franky and Sanji went outside to prevent the boys from throwing mud all over the deck.
“Brook’s game was actually pretty fun.” Nami said as she and Robin gathered up the magazines Luffy had strewn around the floor during his moment of boredom.
“He probably knows a lot more from his time with the Rumbar Pirates.”
“Except you kept trying to kill everyone off in the story!” Nami pointed a finger at her. Robin shrugged.
“I like plot twists.”
Nami groaned and threw a magazine at her.