Title: Sixth Sense Theme: Set #3 - Illusion Claim: Zoro Words: 2120 Rating: PG Disclaimers: I don't own One Piece. Acknowledgments: Thanks again to zelda_addict for beta-ing!
Oooh, you're so inspired. Wah, I love Merry! That sort of thing always makes me all teary-eyed... If Zoro sees dead people... I wonder if Nami does too. Also, I like your reason for why Zoro didn't cry for Merry. It was very In-Character.
Thanks! I just hope the inspiration doesn't run dry...as it looks to be right now :-P Touch wood!
In this fic, I sorta imagined all the loved ones of the Strawhats getting together in the afterlife and checking up on them from time to time, Bellemere included. Kuina was just the one who volunteered to escort Merry back since it was Zoro who needed the talking-to :-P
Oh wow. LOVE IT!!! Merry!!! LOVE Merry fics! He's so cute! And aww, looking out for Usopp! Too cute! I really like how Usopp thinks Zoro is mad at him, and Zoro is just so oblivious. And everyone else can see it. Really cool idea. And Kuina has to beat some sense into him. Obviously. XD Nice. ^^
Heh, I just don't usually write supernatural pieces...I think it wound up being the way I usually write normally, I find it hard to change that :-P I'm not a big fan of ghosty stories in general, though I did enjoy Thriller Bark...
Comments 6
If Zoro sees dead people... I wonder if Nami does too.
Also, I like your reason for why Zoro didn't cry for Merry. It was very In-Character.
In this fic, I sorta imagined all the loved ones of the Strawhats getting together in the afterlife and checking up on them from time to time, Bellemere included. Kuina was just the one who volunteered to escort Merry back since it was Zoro who needed the talking-to :-P
Merry!!! LOVE Merry fics! He's so cute! And aww, looking out for Usopp! Too cute!
I really like how Usopp thinks Zoro is mad at him, and Zoro is just so oblivious. And everyone else can see it. Really cool idea.
And Kuina has to beat some sense into him. Obviously. XD
Nice. ^^
I sure hope it's only ghosts with a strong connection to him or the crew, otherwise it would probably get annoying...
I would never have guessed you were out of your writing style comfort zone, so nice work!
I should probably write some of my pieces out of my normal style. It'd probably be good for me. Change is hard, though...
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