Title: A Mishap for the Innocent
Rating: PG-13 for some…interesting things
Warning: Kinky, kinky sentences
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone…though I do occasionally own my friends!
Moment: 28th Challenge: Nobody’s Angel -Like my shirt says
Summary: An innocent game of MAD LIBS turns into a not -so-innocent game of word manipulation
A/N: Inspired by a SasukeXNaruto fanfiction
Here By Moonshine.
“Look! Look!” Sora cried, waving a small paperback book at Riku. He squinted through the sun at his oncoming childish friend, mildly curious of the item in his hands.
“What’s that?” Riku drawled lazily, leaning on the Paopu Tree trunk beneath him. Today so far deemed utterly boring, and Sora always found a way to liven things up. Well, besides the fact that Riku’s growing infatuation with the brunette always put him in interesting situations.
Sora stopped in front of him and panted slightly, holding the colorful book in his right hand. The large, partially obscured letters read “MAD LIBS” in bold. Of course, Riku was paying more attention to Sora’s lack of breath than the printed pages.
“I found this awesome book on the beach! I think Selphie or somebody left it here. You wanna look at it?” He grinned, and held the book out instantly, obviously excited about finding something. Riku mentally smiled at Sora’s unknown cuteness, and grabbed the book out of his gloved hands. Only half interested, he opened it to a random spot near the middle and began to read.
Riku blankly gazed at the statement, wondering what Sora found amusing in this pseudo-English assignment. Then he read it again.
Riku almost fell off the Paopu tree, laughing hysterically, book clutched tightly in his hand.
“What’s so funny?” Sora asked nervously, edging to the frenzied boy a little. Riku trampled down his laughter enough to look at Sora with an amused smile.
“This thing is so dirty! It’s like a pick--up line waiting to happen!”
That statement did not help ease the look on Sora’s face, although it did bring some curiosity into it.
“Riku, what are you talking about? It’s almost impossible to make it sound right!”
Breaking into a full-out smirk, Riku recited what his dirty mind had filled in the blanks.
“I want to love every inch of you and you can try with me. How about that, Sora?”
His best friend’s mouth made a small “o” and…did he see a slight tinge to his cheeks? Sora scratched his head and looked away.
“Oh, well, I guess it couldn’t get any worse than that…”
“Oh, yes, yes it can.” The silver haired one replied, still with a quirky grin on his face, “But I bet you can’t make it any worse than mine.”
“You wanna bet?” Sora challenged, in mock seriousness. The pink tinge had yet to leave his face.
“Yeah. Come on, Sora, show me your worst!” He teased. Sora NEVER made dirty jokes his whole entire life! Even here, Sora’s little blush grew steadier until it threatened to bridge across his nose. He looked directly into Riku’s eyes and stated with determination:
“I want to fuck you in my bedroom, and you can come with me.”
Woah. Scratch the innocent part out. That statement was hot and demanding and it came right out of Sora’s mouth. And Sora said it to him. Riku fought the blood down from his face and lifted an eyebrow.
“Has Sora been VERBing naughty NOUNS lately?”
Sora lowered his head and muttered something like “…yeah, like you…”, but his hormone induced brain probably heard wrong.
An awkward pause filtered between the boys. Riku noticed that this type of pause happened more frequently nowadays. He wasn’t sure exactly what caused it-was it because Riku liked Sora? Or was it that Sora knew?
“Well, come on.” He said, standing up, “We can VERB some ADJECTIVE NOUNS some place else. You think Selphie forgot anything other than this dirty joke book on the beach?”
Sora immediately made a grimace at the thought of Selphie’s romance novels and Riku laughed.
“I hope not! The last book she forced me to read was just plain mushy!”
Sora wasn’t completely innocent, but he still outshone the entire island.