Well, this must be my quickest smutfic in awhile - I think I wrote in about three and a half hours? In the middle of my Sherlock Holmes marathon-inspired fic, proving once again that the most guaranteed method for me to get inspiration is to work on something else. *sigh*
TITLE: Rush hour
AUTHOUR: TaleWeaver
SERIES: Lost Weekend universe (takes place after ‘sick with love’)
FANDOM: Wizards of Waverly Place
SPOILERS: Third Wheel. Mentions of a couple of other ‘rules’ of the LW series.
RATING/CONTENT: nc-17, m/f sex. Consensual incest between siblings
DISCLAIMER: The characters of WOWP belong to the Disney Channel, and lots of people who are not me. No profit is being made from this work, and no copyright infringement is intended.
SUMMARY: Thanks to a dare from Stevie, Alex tries to seduce Justin on the subway. It turns out better than she dreamed.
PROMPT: 30 Lemons #2 The audience.
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