Title: Dirty Little Secret
mistr3ssquicklySeries: Full Metal Alchemist
Prompt: #31, "The Holiday"
Pairings: Alphonse Elric and Danny Broche
Rating: NC-17 for two lemons.
Warnings: It's a fic for
30_lemons. Porn warnings all apply.
Summary: Al's got a dirty little secret ...
Comments: I wrote it for
pockygirl who drew a
ridiculously cute valentine of the boys for me. Leave her feedback, leave me feedback, it's good karma if nothing else.
Open the Valentine here! Note: If you can't see the drawing, it's because you're not signed in to
y!gallery. Get an account and see the pretties. You know it's gotta be good if you've got to have a password to see it! ^_~